- Nothing like a call to poison control to really wake you up. #
- To be fair, if I had BEEN fully awake, I probably would have avoided the events that led to calling poison control in the first place. #
- RT @rdonoghue Bookmarklet to make the web more readable – http://lab.arc90.com/experiments/readability/ – Rob, this is awesome. Thank you. #
- I am ALL SET to reveal a really good reason to head home early, assuming the new netbook ARRIVES and gives me a REASON for DECEPTION. #
- Adrift: Looks like he’s too confused to resort to violence. I tell him we’re off to earn his .. http://tinyurl.com/mzl3t5 #
- Sending off the end of the work day with a little hard-rocking ukulele. Yes, it exists. It DOES. Shut UP. No YOU. *huff* #
- Salmon, cheddar cheese mashed potatos, fresh carrots and zucchini… Washed down with a Boddingtons and lovely talk with @daphneun. Bliss. #
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