Updates for 2009-04-01

  • Right, @AletheaKontis. To do: make monkeybread this weekend. #
  • RT @TimByrd “Numfar, do the dance of grief.” Well said, sir. #
  • Morningstar Mini Corndogs (which are yummy) make the list: Stuff Kaylee Invariably Requests for Meals, alongside quesadillas and chocolate. #
  • 25 apps that expand Twitter http://tinyurl.com/dyld4a #
  • RT: @TinaHunter: Hardcover sales down 13% (adult) & 12.4% (kid’s), trade paper up 3.4% (adult) & 6.4% (kids), ebooks up 68.4% to $113m #
  • Adrift: At least I’ll lose whoever is currently after me. Only feral sentients and animals in my wa.. http://tinyurl.com/daf3lw #
  • Rt @Matt_S_Wilson new def of irony: “please include seven hard copies of your environmental policy.” #
  • Rossum Corporation?!? BWAHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAAAA HA! #dollhouse #
  • Might have had a few too many Morningstar Buffalo Wings, but they WERE yummy. #heartburn #
  • AND a shout out to Firefly production crew with the “very simple Mandarin/Cantonese language mixup”. HA! #dollhouse #
  • Via @Three_Star_Dave http://tinyurl.com/ddtl7e – A good idea for web-based writers #
  • RT @tordotcom An Open Letter To Our Readers from the hip, new, TÖRdötCÖM: http://is.gd/pZXu – Heh. #

Updates for 2009-03-31

  • Craptastic weather again. ALL RIGHT, PEOPLE: I need a good Please Excuse letter from Twitter so I can go back home. Any reason will do. Go! #
  • If you have a draft-reply saved in Gmail, and shoot off a quick reply to the same email your draft-reply is for, you lose the draft. /cry #
  • Parts 1 & 2 of my interview about writing within new mediums is on Publetariat here: http://is.gd/nTUS & http://is.gd/pG0Z. (Please ReTweet) #
  • http://tinyurl.com/csxxdp – #4 is my personal mantra. #
  • MmmmmmAN so sleepy. Commencing mild electric shock to stay awake. Someone find me a nine-volt to lick. #
  • Adrift: The fact that the ‘good news’ is in fact merely less-bad Bad News has not escaped me. http://tinyurl.com/c9osrq #
  • Heading off to Kaylee’s “water ballet” (swimming) class. (She’s convinced all classes/activities need specialized shoes. /blames @daphneun) #
  • Rt @ColleenLindsay: ANGEL star Andy Hallett (“Lorne”) dies of heart failure at 33: http://tinyurl.com/ckf8jk #

Updates for 2009-03-30

Updates for 2009-03-29

  • RT @thecreativepenn “@doycet @jchutchins you’re featured in my post The Future of the Book http://bit.ly/Ud5v – you’re inspirational guys!” #
  • Rewatching #BSG from the start. I am convinced this is how to really get the show. 4 ‘seasons’ over 7 years? You just forget/miss too much. #
  • RT @thecreativepenn “Is the future of the ‘book’ with gaming? http://snipr.com/eq2go#
  • Also: re: #BSG. Almost through season two, and there are no bad episodes. Many that make my uncomfortable, but bad? No. Remarkable. #
  • Adrift: I tell Mak what I think of him finding a pre-teen guide to make an point about my crew and my dau.. http://tinyurl.com/dmyej9 #
  • Using Earth Hour as a pretty good excuse to hit the rack early, as the house is basically shut down. Night all. #

Updates for 2009-03-28

  • Exercise for the day: shoveling a metric assload of snow. First time the shovel’s been out this year for anything but threatening neighbors. #
  • Today, my hate-sporks are directed at the asshole across the street who never shares his snowblower. *sporkporkSPORK* #
  • RT @thecreativepenn #ideasfestival #ideabook “Look to gaming to see a space where people are not constrained by the old forms.” Word. #
  • RT @kate_eltham “The role of editor and publisher is to build and enrich the community that exists around the author, and that’s a huge job” #
  • More Great stuff from @kate_eltham “The hierarchy of print is becoming flatter as reader and writer take on more active and engaged roles.” #
  • RT @kate_eltham “Redefine content to include community. As the value of content approaches 0 due to piracy, the value of community increases #
  • RT @kate_eltham The social roles behind the book are being revealed through the communities around online publishing. #
  • RT @thecreativepenn #ideasfestival #ideabook the idea that a text is “finished” has a lot to do with the ‘objectness’ of a book #
  • This one’s for Artillery_MKV: RT @kate_eltham Libraries have already realized the importance of community over collections. #
  • More @glecharles : I agree in theory with @kate_eltham’s tweet, but in practice most Pubs/Editors/Agents REALLY need to skill-up to do it. #
  • Thought for tech-savvy authors already creating/managing your own web ‘self’ – you could get work as other, less-techy author’s ‘curators’. #
  • There’s a place in the coming changes for someone who knows what an author should do with new tech: if only in educating Luddite publishers. #
  • Must remember this quote from @UnclePilot: “I’m having a “Format C: ” kind of day.” #
  • Discard 99 of every 100 adverbs. This includes “with a” phrases, like “said, with a smile.” Ugh. #writeradv #
  • RT @trinamlee Write what you love, not just for the market. It is much more rewarding to love your creations than to just hope for a payout. #
  • You know what? Here’s some #writeradv : Read. Read read read read read. #
  • Am out of soda. And dog food. Might need to leave the house. /cower #
  • http://www.onesentence.org/ True stories, told in one sentence. Brilliant. #
  • Adrift: The old man is my translator and bodyguard – he’s originally from a colony world. The guide.. http://tinyurl.com/d6p6sx #
  • Man I hate the #BSG episodes with the Pegasus admiral in them. Which is suppose is the point. #

Updates for 2009-03-28

  • Exercise for the day: shoveling a metric assload of snow. First time the shovel’s been out this year for anything but threatening neighbors. #
  • Today, my hate-sporks are directed at the asshole across the street who never shares his snowblower. *sporkporkSPORK* #
  • RT @thecreativepenn #ideasfestival #ideabook “Look to gaming to see a space where people are not constrained by the old forms.” Word. #
  • RT @kate_eltham “The role of editor and publisher is to build and enrich the community that exists around the author, and that’s a huge job” #
  • More Great stuff from @kate_eltham “The hierarchy of print is becoming flatter as reader and writer take on more active and engaged roles.” #
  • RT @kate_eltham “Redefine content to include community. As the value of content approaches 0 due to piracy, the value of community increases #
  • RT @kate_eltham The social roles behind the book are being revealed through the communities around online publishing. #
  • RT @thecreativepenn #ideasfestival #ideabook the idea that a text is “finished” has a lot to do with the ‘objectness’ of a book #
  • This one’s for Artillery_MKV: RT @kate_eltham Libraries have already realized the importance of community over collections. #
  • More @glecharles : I agree in theory with @kate_eltham’s tweet, but in practice most Pubs/Editors/Agents REALLY need to skill-up to do it. #
  • Thought for tech-savvy authors already creating/managing your own web ‘self’ – you could get work as other, less-techy author’s ‘curators’. #
  • There’s a place in the coming changes for someone who knows what an author should do with new tech: if only in educating Luddite publishers. #
  • Must remember this quote from @UnclePilot: “I’m having a “Format C: ” kind of day.” #
  • Discard 99 of every 100 adverbs. This includes “with a” phrases, like “said, with a smile.” Ugh. #writeradv #
  • RT @trinamlee Write what you love, not just for the market. It is much more rewarding to love your creations than to just hope for a payout. #
  • You know what? Here’s some #writeradv : Read. Read read read read read. #
  • Am out of soda. And dog food. Might need to leave the house. /cower #
  • http://www.onesentence.org/ True stories, told in one sentence. Brilliant. #
  • Adrift: The old man is my translator and bodyguard – he’s originally from a colony world. The guide.. http://tinyurl.com/d6p6sx #
  • Man I hate the #BSG episodes with the Pegasus admiral in them. Which is suppose is the point. #


I’ve have tweaked the single-post page layout so that the comments appears alongside the original post.  This (in my opinion) lends both the relative importance they deserve, and conveys a kind of “margin notes” design that appeals.

The Un-fun Parts of a Blizzard

Me: You know what sucks? Shoveling snow sucks.

Brain: You know what’s going to suck a lot more than that?

Me: … not really.

Brain: That frozen waterfall on the side of your house.

Me: Wha…

Brain: Or rather, replacing the blown-out brass sprinkler valve that the frozen waterfall originates from.

Me: No, what sucks is you. You suck.

Brain: Me?

Me: Why didn’t you tell me to shut that valve off until almost midnight last night?

Brain: Why didn’t you listen to me two weeks ago, when I told you not to turn it on in the first place, because there’s always a blizzard near the end of March?

Me: … Touche.

Brain: It’s Touché.

Me: Whatever. Why the HELL do they put a valve like that on the outside of the house, anyway? That’s the second time it’s frozen and burst in seven years.

Brain: Because if they put it on the inside, it would flood the house when something like this happened.

Me: But something like this wouldn’t HAPPEN if they put it on the inside of the —

Brain: Shh. Don’t speak. You know what happens when you speak.

Me: But —

Brain: Shh. Look, someone updated on Twitter.

Me: Oooh…