Updates for 2009-04-05

  • If you do any kind of web page tweaking at all, especially customizing WP templates, I *highly* recommend the Firebug addon for Firefox. #
  • Random Average: Machinima: Order of Middle Earth http://tinyurl.com/dg9sb4 #
  • RT: @wilw: Things you don’t want to hear from the GM: “The dragon crits.” #
  • RT: @DaphneUn: SEKRITS revealed!! Want to know all about them? Check it out: http://ktliterary.com/2009/04/sekrits-revealed/ #
  • Adrift: Tenth Day: It doesn’t feel like a ship so much as a vast cathedral. To some, it is; I under.. http://tinyurl.com/dybr7m #
  • This was my weekend: http://is.gd/ERC (Also, it kinda rocks.) #jco #
  • Finished eclectic writing/publishing interview with @thecreativepenn! Now, well-earned downtime and that most-American of cuisine: corndogs. #

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