- (title unknown) (http://j.mp/1e7PGS) – Good advice from a lady what does it. #
- SORRY, TWITTER! Dunno why that NaNoWriMo advice link broke. Here tis, from @maureenjohnson: http://tinyurl.com/yd2fdj5 #
- Adrift: [DOWNLOADING 'LOG'…] My, but this ‘Finnras’ person is terse. If *I* had a journal,.. http://bit.ly/4wFK33 #
- R @VeryShortStory "There were things called newspapers. People bought them to read about what happened the day before." "Dad, what's paper?" #
- Nov1: Finished revisions & sent WIP back to AgentS. Then RockBand @cyface's – Dr. Manhattan's Jünk rocks Berlin! Evening: started #nanowrimo #
- That's another way to say it was a good Sunday. Today, more #nanowrimo, and for @finnras, PIE RECIPES. And dayjob. Regardless, #amwriting #
- … and I just got followed by three German twitter feeds for using a ü in my Rock Back tweet, I think. #
- #NaNoWriMo: The thing you did wrong yesterday. http://bit.ly/4qPtR0 #
- Top 1 Habits of Amazing Writers (http://j.mp/atrkw) – Simple truth. #
- RT @mtfierce If you're writing a zombie story under a different name, would that be your, "Om nom nom de plume?" #
- Okay… where did last night's writing go? #mildpanic #amwriting #dontfailmeDropBox #
- Adrift: Grr. The data entry buffer on this journal implant is impossibly small. Who uses this, rock-carving space-mo… http://bit.ly/1QtLHn #
- Army of Gloaming. #unseenprequels #
- RT: @rdonoghue: Complete guide to Google Wave, free e-book http://bit.ly/21THFT #
- Edited RT: @rdonoghue: Complete guide to Google Wave, free e-book http://bit.ly/21THFT OMG FIREFLY CHARACTERS USED FOR EXAMPLES. *nerdgasm* #
- Very seriously thinking about catching #toc New York this year. Early Registration is Open http://post.ly/BRXR #
- #NaNoWriMo peeps: come share favorite bits from the first couple days of your story. http://bit.ly/3QANMa #amwriting #
- New Siege of Mirkwood Trailer (http://j.mp/3kcVR9) – No lie: I got goosebumps. December 1 is gonna be SWEET. #
- An Incomplete Education http://tinyurl.com/yzj7ybr – I could add a few things to this list, but there's far more I need to remember. #
- Teaching a class this afternoon. Stupidly, gut-wrenchingly nervous about it at T -30 minutes, so everything's on schedule. #
- .@cyface It's part of my job, yeah. The nervousness bit is just… I dunno. Part of it? Actually fun/funny. There are other telltales. #
- For instance, about 20 minutes out, I get really sleepy: my body trying to get me to miss whatever thing I'm supposed to d–snnnkkkkkzzzz… #
- Adrift: [FILE ACCESSED] Aww, the space-monkey is looking for his daughter. That’s moderately sw– [***SCOURGE DET… http://bit.ly/3KGaDv #
- Finally, about 10 minutes before class starts: the constant, LYING, calls of nature. These should just be ignored. #themoreyouknow #
- Holy cow: my internets exploded while I was away. Thanks for all the RTs and follows, you guys. More, after I send my class home. #
- RT @glecharles I don't care about Republicans or Democrats. As long as the parties are the focus, it's just a see-saw ride to nowhere. #
- Thanks again to everyone for all the RT lovin' — I'm gonna blush. Gotta stop basking and get back to #amwriting. #nanowrimo #
- RT @mightymur And before lights out […] check @doycet 's stream for link to #nanowrimo advice) — That would be this: http://is.gd/4MxMl #
- GAH! #nanowrimo day 1, I try present tense, but can't hold it. Day 2, edits to past tense. Today, brain defaults back to… *gnash teeth* #
- Adrift: I’m on the floor, just past the scanner. Sweat and tears coat my face. The static screaming in my head is … http://bit.ly/3KNPh6 #
- Was going to do my first Adrift podcast, but I just spent 3 hours teaching and my voice is shot. Heading for a #NaNowrimo Write-in instead. #
- Plan change: "go to write-in" became "have ham & cheese bagel and wish I was in NYC with @daphneun, then chill with puppies." #amwriting #
- RT @Maggie One thing I like about bookstores: how books dampen sound so everything seems more still, like something good is about to happen. #
- Apparently a lot more tired than I thought I was. Dozed off and didn't come to until midnight. Promptly chewed up most of the nap, writing. #
- Coke zero, parked in the shade by the park, and a lunchtime writing sprint. Or, you know, maybe a nap. We'll see. #nanowrimo #amwriting #
- Adrift: Deirdre’s helping me to my knees. The turret gun is pointing at us. A very stern voice orders her away from… http://bit.ly/jGrCf #
- Having blown 4.5 hours getting the podcast together, there's the small matter of about 1200 more words to write… Oy. #amwriting #nanowrimo #
- Handy marriage chart (http://j.mp/1PIFhP) – Well, as long as it's in a chart, then it must be right. #
- Repeating for peeps NOT up last night: Adrift, Episode 1 (Podcast) http://bit.ly/1WfArd – Be gentle. It's my first time. #
- Okay, #followfriday. I like reading @jakonrath's blog – you might too. If you like my #nanowrimo tips, you'll dig @chuckwendig. #
- (And yeah, I know that's two #FFs for Chuck. Don't care. And I don't #FF a ton of people every time, cuz I prefer Recs with explanations.) #
- Adrift: Actually… Angry Computer Voice is ordering *me* away from *her*. “Clear fire lines and Scourge will be e… http://bit.ly/46GWAt #
- Dear Twitter, I like the new Retweet function, but jeez, let me EDIT it first before posting. Criminy. #
- Dear blackberry, Why do you keep giving me a 'message received' beep. You have no messages. Is this a cry for attention? #
- Diaspora just landed on my doorstep. More motivation to get caught up. #nanowrimo #amwriting #
- One of my favorite things about my EeePC? The ability to disable WiFi with a keystroke. Later, internets. #amwriting #
- Thanks to talking animals and a mythical bear-cat, I'm caught up on #nanowrimo. Yeah, I'm writing sci-fi. Why? *drops mic, leaves stage* #
- Okay, #nanopanic-ers: “This is How I Get it Done” – http://bit.ly/1oVn1g and
“The first day you get behind” – http://bit.ly/4uoh0r # - Personal realization: I have *nothing* in common with the twitterfolk reinforcing the Trending Topics. Inordinately pleased by that. #
- The joys of creating alien dialog: Type into Babelfish. Translate English->chinese->english->french->portugese->English. Voila. #
- Sorry for the swears, but I am so. fucking. tired. of losing my internet connection between every other page refresh. Seriously. Fuck. #
- Trouble shooting indicates problem is entirely with my (relatively new) wireless router, not Qwest's modem. Solution: qwest modem+router? #
- Crap, I thought I had my wordcount for today, but apparently I can't math. Back to it. #nanowrimo #amwriting … again. #
Updates for the week of 2009-11-01
- Google Docs Batch Export (http://j.mp/48sECL) – Most excellent. #
- Newest arrivals on my to-read pile include The Road, Boneshaker, Leviathan, War of the Oaks, Before they are Hanged, and Powerless. You? #
- If I say: "ironically, she was wishing so hard for him to stop that she didn't notice when he did", is that actually ironic? #stupidsong #
- My current #win7 hitch is making the Start menu *default* to "All Programs" and not "Kinda/sorta most recent stuff you've opened… " #
- Adrift: Deirdre asks if she’s staying on the ship. Again. The tone of her voice… she’s.. http://bit.ly/3xTSw4 #
- Jumprope. Ninjas. Omigod. Seriously guys. http://is.gd/4DCOc #
- People read more than books (http://j.mp/2h6Ttl) – I see his point, but at some point, you just have a distraction-maker, not a reader. #
- Adrift: The ‘lock sensors tell me the air inside the station is good. Better than the air in the B.. http://bit.ly/f99b8 #
- Revisions… done? Wow. One more read-through, aloud, and back it all goes to Agent S. Happy friggin' Halloween, indeed. #amwriting #
- Writer’s Block Is For Hippies And Slugabeds (http://j.mp/TOjwb) – "Brain teeth go chompy." #
- RT: @ChuckWendig: In case you missed it: I spit in the face of your Writer's Block. Ptoo! http://tinyurl.com/yk83rub #
- Estributors (http://j.mp/1rtUIJ) – A niche in the publishing world that no one, currently, lives in. #
- Decided I'm (finally) going to rip the rest of my CDs to mp3 and trash the… trash. I want an utterly DRM-free ripping tool. Suggestions? #
- Every wrecked vehicle I've seen today has been 4wd. Idiots: It's not 4-wheel stop. #
- Adrift: The airlock cycles. We step through. Sweet, fresh air puffs in our face. Turret mounted particle.. http://bit.ly/5sUj9 #
- Warming up for Halloween. Don't ask me to explain the ensemble. I cannot. http://flic.kr/p/7bqgSC #
- Adrift: Figured it was too good to be true; every enviroment has hostile elements. Though in this case, .. http://bit.ly/2cfb6f #
- Back at proper revisions. 76% reduction in 'shrugged'. Now to see about all the nodding. Fucking bobbleheads, these guys. #
- I'm on google wave (no invites, relax), and digging all the RPG stuff going on, but I want to see any writer co-op stuff. Pointers? #
- I don't think horror should BE a genre. It's an *element* of a story – it's like calling "blue" a genre w/in paintings. #scifichat #
- Q4: The best sci-fi monster (for me) was the bat-thing in From a Buick 8. #scifichat #
- #scifichat I have to confess that Cthulhu has never scared me. C's just… too big. I think stuff my size or smaller is creepier. #
- #scifichat Like Cloverfield. The main thing is scary like getting almost hit by a bus is scary. The LITTLE critters deliver horror, though. #
- I wonder if an element of humanity is *necessary* in a horror monster – to turn 'scary' into 'horrible'. See: Alien. HAL. #scifichat #
- My takeaway from today's #scifichat: horror comes out of 'natural' turned unnatural, or the threat of our nature being stripped. Good stuff. #
- My first #scifichat today – first chat of any kind on Twitter, actually – and it was very cool. Thanks, all! #
- WHEN I FIND OUT WHO LEFT THESE CASHEWS IN MY HOUSE I'M GONNA KI–mfff rrfff mmrrrff mff ommff nom so go-mfffgodsodeliciou– *food coma* #
- Adrift: The ‘do you have pie’ voice reassures us this is basic security – a formality. Step .. http://bit.ly/1zyxz9 #
- This pretty much sums up my Win7 upgrade. http://bit.ly/2m06Xq #
- If you can't walk, you crawl, and if you can't crawl… http://flic.kr/p/7bNqzU #
- 4 hours before the next con event. Comfy booth with a power outlet. No wifi to distract me. Surrounded by strangers. Hell yes I #amwriting #
- Crap. Flashback scenes in the WIP are supposed to be PRESENT tense. Dammit. Crap crap crap. #
- I might rethink/undo this flashbacks-in-present-tense thing; a conceit from a long time ago that I don't know if I still like it. #amwriting #
- Just realized one of the players at my gaming con table-an airforce cadet-was 1 year old my junior year in college. Who moved my cane? #
Updates for the week of 2009-10-25
- every writer absolutely must (http://j.mp/10qS4Y) – Great essay. Charged me up for writing today. #
- Writing time. Twitter conveniently offline. I'd like… 5000 (http://j.mp/n0sYe #
- If you follow my serial sci-fi story (@finnras), you might like that I'm writing Adrift (part 1) for NaNoWriMo. And podcasting it as I go. #
- Also, I broke 2000 twitter posts this morning, while twitter was *down*. THAT is the kind of power I command. Bask in my glow. #
- Is it okay that I, as a non-iPod (non-Mac, non-jesusphon, non-iTunes) person sort of hate that it's called 'PODcasting'? #
- Got 2k today. It's not the 5k I aimed for, but the words I got made @daphneun laugh (except the sad bits), so I claim success. #amwriting #
- Adrift: [You might want to know I'm writing Adrift (part 1) for NaNoWriMo. And podcasting it as I go. More info, whe… http://bit.ly/3s3VhU #
- Heh. @carrharr's 'rename Twilight' competition cracks me up. My fave: "Skip to Page 213 if you want to Read about Something Happening". #
- Adrift: Couldn’t follow it well enough on Twitter (or, come to that, Facebook)?
Couldn’t follow it on a newsread… http://bit.ly/2pZSSn # - RT: @glecharles: "Of course, when I started, they said it only worked because I was so unknown." @doctorow: http://is.gd/4r6Ll #
- Adrift: The pie-voice is back – coalescing out the harmonic hum, vibrating from out of the ship hull – it says we’… http://bit.ly/3P9GUi #
- Warmup game was 190 pins. This does not bode well for the actual games. #ambowling #
- I need sleep more than another 500 words. Night all. #
- 'You are being shagged by a rare parrot' – http://bit.ly/19uGVY – Thank you, @kimhusband #
- Tempting to work "no god" into today's @finnras post, because the twitter trend amuses — not so tempting as to actually do it, cuz… eh. #
- Again, LOTS of work/words today… but exactly 0 on the WIP. On one hand: grrr day job. On the other: Yay! Day job! #amwriting tonight. #
- Adrift: Not sure what a reduction field is. Best guess? It reduces the likelihood we vaporize when we dock. I’m su… http://bit.ly/2vfP72 #
- Thais cracked me up: RT @scalzi Spam mail today promising me I could "Turn my creativity into a career!" Yes, well. #
- 42 Essential 3rd Act Twists (http://j.mp/1BR8EY) – Makes notes for November… #
- Ow. Ow. Ow ow. Ow. Jesus. Hot chocolate through a straw. What the hell was I *thinking*? Back of my throat feels like a running blister. Ow. #
- An Open Letter to the Gaming Industry (http://j.mp/4l0Qgp) – Sing it, sisters. (via Judd) #
- Took a few minutes to reread some of my short stories from a few years ago. So much fun. So much fun to WRITE. Must remember – have fun. #
- Adrift: Dierdre coaxes us into the GDR – I hear the seal lock from two decks away and start down. Jon ca.. http://bit.ly/93OqI #
- 8 Reasons to like the Nook e-reader (http://j.mp/38PkT5) – Show me a readily available add-on app that allows .doc formats, and I'm there. #
- What a pretty February morning. #
- *BEAMS* RT @OLPC Every Elementary Student in Uruguay Now Has an #OLPC Laptop http://bit.ly/3mqFCd #
- The Mobile Internet Is Going To Explode http://tinyurl.com/ylgvwzy — This a is really interesting 10 minute video. #
- I could burn hours on wordle. It's like getting access to a woodchipper without supervision. (http://tinyurl.com/yg3gsow) #
- M O O D (http://j.mp/3Jy7hw) – I just got an idea for a room divider… #
- This QotD makes me happy: "The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible." David M. Ogilvy. #
- 3k left on revisions; mebbe 4. Close, anyway. Got to play around with a time-warping bowling alley yesterday, which was nice. #amwriting #
- How often do I hit Good Times for lunch? The lady taking orders recognized me over the drive-through speaker. And knew I'd changed my order. #
- Adrift: Hard to see in the weird light, but yes: several hundred yards down the universal docking ring, .. http://bit.ly/WEuRe #
- Words I cannot effing spell correctly, ever: occassion. occaision. occasion. Dammit. Stupid word anyway. How about you? #cantspell #
- Kk quote for the day: "Daddy, my nose is running late." #
- RT @ChuckWendig RT: @adders: Some good advice on ways to check your WordPress install for hacking: http://bit.ly/12XAfP #
- Adrift: I thought I was still at least a step behind Kaetlyn. She left the Drift a month ago, yet there&.. http://bit.ly/4ks2Qz #
- With Kaylee for a friend's birthday party at 'the Hop', which is 8 jumping castles free wifi, and awesome. And the parents can get on too. #
- In hindsight, the party place full of massive jumping castles isn't really the best place to start reading The Road. #nowIKnow #
- Hmm. So this is Win7. Hmm. #
I love this wordle summary of my twitter page
Click to embiggen.

Sums things up pretty well. “Adrift” is unfairly weighted, but aside from that? It’s a pretty fair impression of my daily life, honestly. In a hand-wavey kind of way.
Whatever. I like it.
Edit to add:
Here’s one that’s a little more accurate and less Adrift-tilted:
Updates for the week of 2009-10-18
- How Deep Our Disappointment, How Swift The Cynicism (http://j.mp/2mxZZf) – "What assholes we are." #
- 40lb bag of dog food is now, magically, 34lbs… but the same price! #inflationshalloweencostume #
- This is a thought-sparking piece that inspired me today: RT @sethsimonds Whose story are you telling? http://bit.ly/8jv9c #
- Anyone have recommendations for a WordPress plugin that takes an MP3 and uploads it to a post in some kind of podcasty click-listen bar? #
- Truth — RT: @jhtatroe: RT @MyleneDressler: How It Feels to Write a Novel: http://bit.ly/EKsG5 #
- Stayed long enough to see the post-credits Bill Murray bit in Zombieland. Fun movie. #
- My new definition of awesome: my 4 year old daughter plays a R.O.W.Y.C.O. air-tambourine to @jonathancoulton 's Creepy Doll. #
- One of my favorite NaNoWriMo Baty-advice lines: "Beer doesn't seem like a good idea. It is. Wine seems like a good idea. It isn't." #
- Phillip Roebuck: One Man Band Banjo Ninja (http://j.mp/ZUGB1) – For getting amped up at the start of the week. #
- Dear Coworker: if "my assistant is out sick today" translates to "I am so completely fucking helpless I can't open email," RETIRE. Fuck. #
- Total word count so far today: high. Total added to actual WIP: zero. Never got the damn thing open, even. Maybe after the league. #
- Adrift: I don’t know which idea is more disturbing: an automated system with a baked goods fixatio.. http://bit.ly/uxwSO #
- You wouldn't think Halloween-themed shortbread cookies coated with sugar and chocolate would be good, unless you were smart at OBVIOUSNESS. #
- Just reread the WIP stuff from last night. Holy crap it's bad. Not even fritter-away-two-hours-tweaking-it bad. Delete-and-forget bad. Damn. #
- Actually, it's more like delete-and-take-up-painting bad. I hate this particular edit/rewrite cycle. Hate. #
- I opted for the chop-twenty-percent-and-turn-the-rest-into-dialogue option. Better? Yes. Good? Eh. Doesn't make me retch? Victory! #
- Also, I turned on the 'make the sounds of typing' option in WriteMonkey, to cheer me up, which it totally did. #
- Coworker's assistant still sick. I expect a long day keeping him from eating paste, running with scissors, or representing the company. #
- RT @WritersDigest Savvy writers: Follow #tocfrankfurt for VIP publishing chatter on future of the industry #
- 2009-10-13: Words Invented by Sebastian (http://j.mp/tnHQ0 #
- Adrift: Deirdre doesn’t care; she’s working the ship in toward the station. Propelled by the.. http://bit.ly/11ts30 #
- Beyonce's Single Ladies covered by Pomplamoose (http://j.mp/trrTc) – Plain old magic. #
- Static (http://j.mp/JG8Az #
- Very pretty (http://j.mp/3wIC3i) – Because I need another game. Still… #
- Cover of "September" http://bit.ly/4eXuS – Come for the music, stay for the slam-dancing muppet. #
- Forgot lunch. Headache now. Vision fading. Lips have gone numb. (Just kidding… except for the headache and numb lips. That's happening.) #
- Adrift: At 500 meters from the station, coming in at full power, I start wondering what being broken int.. http://bit.ly/R9eLs #
- You know… as awesome as the stuff is that @daphneun says out here on the internet… y'all are still getting the dregs. The DREGS. #
- Took awhile to get there, but the snarky joke at the end of tonight's WIP revisions was worth it. Gotta enjoy the small things. #amwriting #
- A Newbie's Guide to Publishing: Kindle Numbers: Traditional Publishing Vs. Self Publishing (http://j.mp/USDOj) – Interesting information. #
- You know I'm a Whedon fanboy. And Tahmoh Penikett – well, it's nice to see Helo again. But 85% of the good in Dollhouse? Enver Gjokaj. #
- Okay, Twitter: help? I'm looking for a video of a guy reading what should be a SFW document, made NSFW by Word spellcheck. Can't find it. #
- A very BAD thing to do when you have other stuff to do: feeding your WIP into Wordle and seeing how big "nodded" displays. #amwriting #
- Adrift: Jon says, “You wonder if *what* will tickle?” I start to answer, when my ears pop. Ha.. http://bit.ly/11oa4h #
- Faction/Reputation (http://j.mp/paJsY #
- The truth (http://bit.ly/ZHYvY #
- My recommendation for #followfriday — if you aren't already (and you probably are), drop in on @inkyelbows — great writer resource stream. in reply to inkyelbows #
- Adrift: It’s not a “song”, exactly. Harmonics? Everything is moving slowly, even the li.. http://bit.ly/13oBPX #
- Choose your weapon (http://j.mp/3r7SlH) – Time to get your weekend on. #
- I feel your pain, my brother. RT @ChuckWendig Something Happened To My Head, Please Send Help. http://bit.ly/1yIYrj #
- Excellent and interesting: RT @thecreativepenn @ScottSigler and @SethHarwood on Podcasting to Publishing Success http://bit.ly/2f6zTz #
My plans for NaNoWriMo
It seems that, like displaying Christmas decorations on prominent end-caps in grocery stores, people start talking about NaNoWriMo earlier and earlier every year. Not quite sure what’s up with that; wherefore art the joy of going in with no prep (no decision, in fact, about participation until the 11th hour)?
Anyway, all that chitter chatter got me thinking about it a little earlier than I might otherwise. (Read: before October 30th.) So, here’s what I’m planning:
- I’m doing it. Obviously. Duh.
- I believe I’m going to be working from an outline.
- Kinda.
- I’m actually going to take the twitter-posts for “Chapter 1” of Adrift, and write that as a full-blown story with, like, dialogue and stuff.
- Interspersed with the action from Adrift, there will be a Princess Fairy Tale, I think.
- This will let me flesh out a lot of stuff, and write some things that are going on my head with the story that I simply don’t have space to write out in once-a-day Twitter posts.
- I avoids me wasting several hours every day figuring out what I should be writing that day.
- If I write all of 500 words for each of the twitter posts that comprise Adrift Chapter One, that’s about 100k words.
- I’m probably going to write it in WriteMonkey, because WriteMonkey is awesome.
- I’ll be backing it up using Dropbox, so I can work on it pretty much anywhere. Might do weekly exports from WriteMonkey into OpenOffice as well, which is differently awesome.
- I don’t know how/when/where I’ll be sharing this out for people to partake in during the month.
- ONE idea I have it to read the daily output aloud and post said reading as a podcasty thing here on the blog. I’d like thoughts on that.
- That’s about it.

I’m not a little excited by the whole thing.
Which is probably why I’m talking about it early.
Updates for the week of 2009-10-11
- RT: @cmpriest: Word of the day (courtesy @rstevens): "Indignorant" – The state of being ignorant, and indignant about it. #
- And so it begins — Me: Can I have a kiss goodbye? / Her: I want to go play with [name of boy here]. / Me: *heartbreaks* #
- Report: Woman paralyzed by E. coli-tainted hamburger (http://j.mp/qRLsT) – Words (unless you count "ugh") fail me. #
- Baked Ziti Recipe (http://j.mp/2JCV2) – Going to try this with some Morningstar Crumbles. #
- Tolkien’s Monsters: Tonight, on the History Channel (http://j.mp/3xZxsx) – Hmm. Maybe we can snag this on the DVR… #
- Oh crap. Just got a LotRO: Siege of Mirkwood closed beta invite. Time to set up daily October #writegoals to earn play time. #
- Up and driving at ass-crack o'clock; 'volunteered' to rep the day job at career fair. Running 20 minues late, more out of protest than need. #
- RT @mightymur New media, old journos, everyone should read: Awesome speech- lessons from the Rocky Mtn News: http://bit.ly/14uZD5 #
- Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan: kick-ass young adult steampunk series starts with a bang, a hiss and a clank (http://j.mp/1spSNA #
- Adrift: I sit down and start randomly punching nav buttons. Dangerous, but if I’m dreaming, who ca.. http://bit.ly/2iNLfQ #
- Adrift: Pain from the hand-smack indicates (a) not a dream (b) the pre-history, duo-dimension space stat.. http://bit.ly/3HKDJ #
- The more I think about what I'm doing for the PTA game tonight, less I know what I'm doing for the PTA game tonight, so… lunch! #
- I feel like I should borrow a page from @jonathancoulton and take requrests. #
- Penny Arcade! – Le Choix De Sophie (http://j.mp/1rSQZz) – I've totally been there. #
- Dol Guldur Exterior Shots (http://j.mp/3NQKoJ) – Pretty much exactly as I visualized the creepy Mirkwood fortress/prison. #
- Adrift: Do we *have* any pie? Jon says we don’t; do I… want him to make one? The station isn.. http://bit.ly/RDFvb #
- Sandwich person: "Do I need to wear these plastic gloves? They rub on this open sore." Maybe I shouldn't have said "Fuck yes" so loud. #
- Oh no it isn't… yes it is. It's snowing. #
- Adrift: I get on comms and inform the station we have no pie. The station asks for confirmation of last… http://bit.ly/1aJEbA #
- Random Average: Pulling a dick move, and other things that make stories (and games) better. http://bit.ly/IIEWD #
- YouTube – G.I.G.A.P.U.S. – Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (http://j.mp/2VZnLx) – Excellent. #
- Adrift: I open comms and say ‘Please?’ out of habit. No reply. I look at Jon and Deirdre. Th.. http://bit.ly/GVFAT #
- R @shitmydadsays "Son, people will always try to fuck you. Don't waste time planning for a fucking, just be alert when your pants are down." #
- Excellent excellent mood swinger — A Day at the Office http://bit.ly/4pJlaV #
- ladysnowblood:
On horseback riding:
“I don’t… (http://j.mp/2o6BB7 # - Best tiny thing I love about OpenOffice is setting the software to "Allow only one space after a sentence." #softwareVSmybadhabits #writing #
- Messing around w/tweetdeck on netbook, since Kaylee/phone interrupted writing for a few minutes. Refreshment break and more tappy-tapping. #
- Brain sluggish and sleepy, but stomach threatening rebellion against any more soda/coffee. Trying to power one more scene out. #amwriting #
- Colbert Nation (http://j.mp/2UKtlq) – Colbert knocks it out of the park. #
- Biggest Threats to America’s Youth (http://j.mp/3G7hgM) – I might keep my panic in check for a little while longer. #
Updates for the week of 2009-10-04
- Random Average: Danger Patrol: Zombie Kong and Plan 8 from Planet X http://bit.ly/kSBX0 #
- 10 Excellent and Free Blog Editors for the Desktop (http://j.mp/3Rj4H2) – Making note of this in anticipation of NaNoWriMo. #
- Insert Tab A Into Slot B: Writing Sex Scenes – http://bit.ly/7eOdC #
- TV For Chickens (http://j.mp/aBx0V) – I don't care for contemporary art, but this project and what it ultimately says is REALLY interesting. #
- I want to do my next story in 2nd person. It'd read like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, just… without all the choosing. #
- RT @cyface: A company called Vecna solutions makes combat robots with detachable heads, eyes, and arms. Gygax is chuckling from the grave. #
- Adrift: A smarter man would be working out what Kaetlyn wanted here. I’m just trying to figure out.. http://bit.ly/oufah #
- Boneshaker: Cherie Priest's swashbuckling steampunk Seattle story (http://j.mp/1vnnLN) – Zombies AND steam? Marking for purchase. #
- Tattoo You (http://j.mp/a5k78) – There aren't a lot of tattoos I really like, but this one is kind of excellent. #
- It’s Banned Book Week, Interactive Map (http://j.mp/6xPI9) – Don't just read a banned book, read one banned in your area. #
- Siege of Mirkwood on December 1st with Pre-Order Offers | LotRO Focused Blog for the Casual Player | MMeOw (http://j.mp/Etc1z) – Many ma … #
- Adrift: The problem is that the only thing holding the Binturong in jump-space is a running jump engine;.. http://bit.ly/K4AXK #
- Centesimal (http://j.mp/1uhuw) – "The room is dark. You will probably be eaten by a Great Old One." #
- Adrift: The ancient station doesn’t seem to have that problem, which doesn’t suprise or help.. http://bit.ly/1yVe5q #
- Photo (http://j.mp/Wvyyf) – We procrastinate when we've forgotten who we are. #
- Steampunk Month on Tor.com (http://j.mp/q9YKs) – Sweet. #
- It's been One Year… (http://j.mp/22SzmM) – A full year on the NYT Bestseller list for the Graveyard Book, my favorite Gaiman book. #
- Grayson stands by criticism of Republican plan: ‘I would like to apologize to the dead.’ (http://j.mp/v3BmH) – I like this guy. I wish … #
- Last night we had skillet-seared Fillet Mignon, wrapped in bacon, drizzled with a honey & brown sugar glaze I made up. Tummy still dazed. #
- RT @goowaveinvites we got some google wave invites… you need one? RT this !! #googlewave #wave #
- I am not a cat person (neither are the Testerhounds). Any else? RT @shana @doycet also, want a cat? http://bit.ly/LAmHu #
- http://twitpic.com/jvec4 – In the event of a trunk kidnapping… #
- Adrift: The hail is automated; inquires whether we’re prepared to begin docking. But it’s no.. http://bit.ly/FX89a #
- Doing SP3 upgrade. If not for the gaming industry's constantly expanding system requirements, I'd still be on a 4/100 with 516k ram. #
- And the Antisocial Shall Inherit the Zombieland (http://j.mp/12JKQl) – Hoping to see this and several other flicks this weekend. #
- What do you think I fought for at Omaha Beach? : Greg Laden's Blog (http://j.mp/VFPBk) – Makes me proud, it does. And angry. #
- Rewatching the original Wave demo video (http://bit.ly/Y9hJ7 – excited all over again. #
- Hmm, for #followfriday, Imma shout out to @chuckwendig, who is a new read for me and really entertaining. Writer, gamer, funny. Enjoy. #
- Adrift: The Station then asks if we have any pie. Oh. I see, I’m still asleep. This is some kind o.. http://bit.ly/IKE1y #
- Really really frustrating change of plans for the weekend. This bear is growly. Grr. #
- Saturday Morning Cartoons: The Steampunk Edition: “Jasper Morello,” “The Aeronaut,” and “The Gentleman’s Duel” (http://j.mp/18S8dW #