Updates for 2009-03-10

  • Forgive me, but fuck Daylight Savings Time. Right in the ear. How many signatures do we need to put this on voter ballots? #
  • Adrift: Mak keeps me moving through the quieter space (a cargo bay converted to a multi-layered cot-hotel.. http://tinyurl.com/btapep #
  • Retweet @rdonoghue What are you doing with your slack? http://tinyurl.com/6wnfgm (thanks, Rob) #
  • Finally got time to play Lego Star Wars on the Wii last night with Kate. Telekinetic lego assemblage is cool, but ascension guns ROCK. #

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Updates for 2009-03-08

  • RT @AletheaKontis “Midlist = authors you know and love, but your mother doesn’t.” Word. #
  • Took a ‘nap’ @ 5pm yesterday, woke up @ 5am today. Apparently I was tired. Breakfasted, code-monkeyed, and now wiiyoga and cleaning. #
  • Last 2 pages of my twitter posts: Daddying, coding, management, teaching, writing, exercise, bowling, & various games. A decent snapshot. #
  • Getting caught up on Chuck while pressing laundry. Not nerd epicenter, but I can see it from my ironing board. #
  • Brief visit from Munchkin earlier. Played Onechabara, sharing the Wii controller. Slayed zombies while she sang Wonderpets’ “Teeeamwork.” #
  • Rt @apelad “If you guessed “Saturday” as the day on which this week’s splitting headache would occur, you were correct.” Word. Ow. #
  • Retweet @mightymur RT @MariAdkins: STFU and get back to work http://is.gd/mjrW (Hell yes) #
  • It’s snowing, and I just found a #@:/!ing open window. Grr. #
  • Adrift: No one’s shooting at us, exactly: just raiders in the bazaar, shooting into the air to get .. http://tinyurl.com/d3w648 #
  • As soon as I find another decent Twitter client for Blackberry, I’m starting a second fiction series. Pulp action heroics ftw. #

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Updates for 2009-03-07

  • RT @rdonoghue … the true levels of skill are roughly: Tragically inept, Humorously inept, Competent, Noteworthy, Badass and That One Guy. #
  • For #followfriday: twitter fic-e-zine @thaumatrope. Great stuff. My favs? #DrGnome & #futurejer, serial fiction both like & unlike @finnras. #
  • Roger Ebert gives a spoiler-free Watchmen… review? No, let’s say “reaction”. http://is.gd/lQ7F #
  • Adrift: The route Mak and I take ends near the bazaar’s ceiling. From there, we low-g brachiate to .. http://tinyurl.com/agweag #
  • I dangle, unsure if I can survive the fall /or/ pull myself up with a hole in my shoulder. The gargoyle suggests I drop. #fiction #
  • Random Average: Missing a game, and not http://snipurl.com/da6wh #
  • Random Average: Running Watchmen with Spirit of the Century. Kinda. http://twurl.nl/yd7qm2 #
  • And yeah, I’m tweeting/posting a lot about Watchmen today – forgive me for getting swept up in the zeitgeist. it happens. #
  • Okay, I know that iPhone, iTouch, iDontcare is the new hotness, but can anyone direct me toward a die-roller for blackberry? I googlefail. #

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Updates for 2009-03-07

  • RT @rdonoghue … the true levels of skill are roughly: Tragically inept, Humorously inept, Competent, Noteworthy, Badass and That One Guy. #
  • For #followfriday: twitter fic-e-zine @thaumatrope. Great stuff. My favs? #DrGnome & #futurejer, serial fiction both like & unlike @finnras. #
  • Roger Ebert gives a spoiler-free Watchmen… review? No, let’s say “reaction”. http://is.gd/lQ7F #
  • Adrift: The route Mak and I take ends near the bazaar’s ceiling. From there, we low-g brachiate to .. http://tinyurl.com/agweag #
  • I dangle, unsure if I can survive the fall /or/ pull myself up with a hole in my shoulder. The gargoyle suggests I drop. #fiction #
  • Random Average: Missing a game, and not http://snipurl.com/da6wh #
  • Random Average: Running Watchmen with Spirit of the Century. Kinda. http://twurl.nl/yd7qm2 #
  • And yeah, I’m tweeting/posting a lot about Watchmen today – forgive me for getting swept up in the zeitgeist. it happens. #
  • Okay, I know that iPhone, iTouch, iDontcare is the new hotness, but can anyone direct me toward a die-roller for blackberry? I googlefail. #

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Updates for 2009-03-06

  • Retweet @mightymur Have much fear: today is #queryfail day. Follow agents (me: like @daphneun) and learn. #
  • Is @secrettweet schadenfreude or short fiction? Can’t decide, but weirdly fascinated. (Via @amandafrench) in reply to amandafrench #
  • Heh: RT @danielliterary: Refer to your work as a “fictional novel”? #queryfail (If I had a buck for every time @daphneun said this…) #
  • Charming Daughter begged my breakfast off me on the way to school. Stomach rumbling, and free donuts at work: no one’s will is that strong! #
  • RT @maureenjohnson: Seriously. If you want to know about publishing, search Twitter for #queryfail & @DaphneUn. This is like a live class. #
  • RT @lindseyleej: “Number one lesson I’m learning from #queryfail: don’t be a weirdo.” Preach it, sister. #
  • Our first date. I tell her /everyone/ has issues. I lost my fiancé in a fire two years ago. Her? She’s been ordered to kill me. Oh. #fiction #
  • Via @neilhimself: A complete collection of Zelazny’s short fiction and poetry, in six hardcover volumes. http://bit.ly/15f9Ym #fanboy #
  • Today: Daddying, database, org mtg, flash fiction (x2), WBT dev & delivery, refi home, yoga, bowling, & midnight #Watchmen. I am LEGION. #
  • Adrift: As we slip out the back, Mak mentions that the last time I was here, I told him my crew /was/ my .. http://tinyurl.com/d2om4y #
  • Who watches the Watchmen? Me, in about 30 minutes. Yes, I have to work tomorrow. Been a long, cah-RAYzy day… #

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Updates for 2009-03-05

  • Getting caught up on Twitter. It’s a bit like taking part in a conversation you time-shifted on your DVR. #
  • Irony: on the subject of 140-character posts, I respond to a 1-word blog with a 2-page comment. “Different modes for different codes.” Word. #
  • Feeling very wordy today. Praps s’why I haven’t written today’s @finnras? Let’s find out… #
  • Adrift: Kaetlyn is family. Deirdre is crew, just like Yoren – just like Jon. Better if everyone remembers.. http://tinyurl.com/c7fpx7 #
  • Gaaaah! Can’t get logged into twitter.com. Remote-posting apps work fine (oh, wait… no they don’t. Grrr). #

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