Shopping Therapy

Per usual, I reacted to money stress (refinancing the house, which seems to be *knock wood* going fine) by going out and buying something I didn’t actually need and could barely justify — Belkin’s G700 PDA Keyboard for Palm m125, m130, m500, i705.
Initially I was pleased by the keyboard itself but let down because it seemed to go into a sleep mode if I stopped typing for more than about five seconds — I had to take the palm off the keyboard, cycle power and reconnect it to get it going again. Could have been a deal-breaker — and a real bummer.
Update: it’s a known issue interfacing with some models — easily and quickly fixed with a 48.5k download.
Surprise, surprise: there’s even a place to plug my sync-cradle’s power cord into the keyboard to let the Palm stay charged while I type. I can write nearly anywhere without relying on my crappy handwriting. Sweet.
Question: What’s the last thing you bought just to cheer yourself up, or do you not do that.

Last night was pretty damn good

It finally occured to me last night that the Buffy crew has been missing a cast member for awhile… a subtle element of the show that makes it somehow ‘better’ when present and ‘worse’ when it’s not.
That cast member? The high school. MAN it’s good to have it back.

Thanks, Lori and Stephanie

Buffy/ Haunted will be rebroadcast on Saturday 10/12/02 from 7:00pm-9:00pm in the Denver area (where some moron at the UPN repeater spilled a jar of mayonnaise on an important keyboard or something during the broadcast).


Brett Favre, Donald Driver, Ahman Green. What do these men have in common?
a) All Green Bay Packers.
b) Collectively spanked the Bears tonight.
c) All members of the illustrious Typhoid Bay Fever fantasy football team.
d) Just earned a truckload of points for said team.
e) All of the above.
For a number of reasons, I haven’t been able to follow the NFL games very much this season. Monday nights have lately become the only night I have time to do anything around the house, Sunday night’s game is on a channel I don’t get, and Sundays themselves, once a bastion of footbally goodness, have been planned out and filled with activities until somewhere around November 1st.
But tonight we tried to get caught up on a few taped shows and while rewinding one, noticed the game was on.
And it had Brett Favre, whom I like.
And it was against Chicago, which is classic.
And it had a lot of guys I’m using on my FFB team.
I don’t know if you’d call it relaxing or productive (more on “productive” later), but it felt good to veg on the couch and watch one of the greats of the game.*

(* – and try to ignore that he’s only a year older than I am)

Snobby literary recommendations for free stuff

I finished up Three Men in a Boat, by Jerome K. Jerome (Jerome Klapka), 1859-1927, available via download at Project Gutenberg. For those not familiar, PG collects public domain literary work and puts them online for free download — a noble project that’s been going on for over a decade.
What’s the book, you ask? A travelogue. A comedic non-fiction. The ne’er-do-well of England’s response to Walden.
It’s a blog, actually.

Continue reading “Snobby literary recommendations for free stuff”

Setting things apart

Just a couple Whedon quotes that tickled me:

“I don’t want to create responsible shows with lawyers in them. I want to invade people’s dreams.”

“I hate it when people talk about ‘Buffy’ as being campy. I hate camp. I don’t enjoy dumb TV. I believe Aaron Spelling has single-handedly lowered SAT scores.”

The camera loves you, the VCR doesn’t.

Watched the season premiere of Alias on Sunday. Good stuff, and I really like what they seem to have in place for this season — MAN but they are playing hardball with the poor reporter guy.
We’re still developmentally disabled in regards to taping shows this season, though: this time, we managed to have the VCR tape the first twenty minutes set to the WRONG CHANNEL, while we were watching the right one. Realize that we were actually sitting right there while we made this screw up and you’ll have some inkling of how lame we are. We regularly taped five to six shows last year with not one hiccup. What happened to us?
Only show we haven’t screwed up yet: Firefly.