Geek Overload

Nathan Fillion finishes up signing autographs at GenCon SoCal and shows up at a Firefly RPG game.

…it all gets surreal when Nathan Fillion shows up and sits down to play.
Turns out he had been signing autographs elsewhere on the showfloor and one of my players very nicely asked if he’d stop by. For all his awesomeness, he did.
An incredibly nice guy, we clued him in on the scenario, went over the character sheets with him — he got a laugh out of some of the quirks I had written up for the “Mal” character — and he rolled some dice with us.

Words do not express.
Apparently, he also took a hand at playing the part of River :)

Serenity bumped to fall.

Universal revised the release date for the film.
Joss sez:

“So what happened? Well, nothing terribly original. April got crowded with a lot of titles aimed at a similar demographic, and the studio decided September was a clearer corridor for the film to make the kind of impact it should. This isn’t about a lack of confidence in the film. In fact, they told me this before they even saw it. And now they have seen it, and unless they’re way better liars than I’m used to, they dug it. Actually, they dug it pretty large, which is a good sign, since there’s not a single finished effect in the film. There’s no reworking the end, no reshoots, no ‘does it have to be in space?’ It’s just a marketing issue. Now you’ll get to watch lots of trailers in the summer. And hopefully, by the time it comes out, other people, people who ain’t us, will get a whiff of what we’re up to and come along, too.”

On the one hand — okay, cool — less competition.
On the other hand — DAAAAAAAMMMMMNNN IT! We were just mentioning last night that it was exACTly five months to the release date.
Plus, now I have a ‘collector’ bumper sticker. :P

One of those posts that only people in Denver will care about

A Tattered Cover Book Store opened November 15, in Highlands Ranch… about four minutes from our house! Yay!
Translations for those who don’t know: Tattered Cover is (I think) the largest independant U.S. book store west of the Mississippi. There are … what? three stores? All in Colorado. They’re cool, and there’s one right next to our house. Again, Yay.
Jackie and I stopped in on Thursday evening or something like that to check it out and do our part to establish the business — very nice atmosphere, very cool… it even smelled good. They’re obviously still getting moved all the way in, but the place was well-populated with a mix of browsers, readers and buyers, and one would think that a smaller operation like TC would have done exhaustive research on store placement, so I think it’s going to do well.
And, again… Yay.