- Awesome. Watch Curiosity land on Mars with considerably less time-delay than NBC Olympic coverage. http://t.co/5NiGBHDh #
- What If: Robot Apocalypse — A post that makes Curiosity even more impressive. http://t.co/wzicrawi #
- RT @sekimori: I wish my house had a search engine. #
- Hidden Things and @chuckwendig's Mockingbird mentioned in Kirkus Reviews' "speed reader" suggestions for August. http://t.co/xHLv1RYp #
- After mucking around with various advertisement and promotional… things, I can say, with complete authority, I'm very bad at such things. #
- Best Olympic camera angle: http://t.co/etKQaFEF #
- "I don't mind spoilers at all, and I find extreme spoiler-aversion pretty tedious." http://t.co/8JRuqMX5 #
- Hidden Things cover design contest. http://t.co/GLT57Ee2 Perfect for those with mad design skills… or MSPaint a few spare minutes. #
- Honest Toddler (and the related Twitter account) is wonderful. And terrifying. Because I'm quite sure my son is… https://t.co/mGqzGHze #