Tweets for the week of 2012-06-03

  • As promised, I will be live tweeting a wedding, today. Please note: Do not expect mockery of a West Point wedding on Memorial Day. #
  • … Actually, you CAN expect mockery, but not of the institution, or the men and women in the service. #
  • West Point mood setting, via @clovis69: McArthur farewell speech – #
  • West Point security understandably high. Comparable to airport security… If you're in the mood to insult West Point or embarrass the TSA. #
  • Hey: non-wedding related question for a lazy Sunday – any librarians or pro-readers who can tell me if Hidden Things is up on netgalley? #
  • Random thoughts from driving through the Palisades: what childhood book series used to mention Peekskill? Trixie Belden? #
  • Followup question: who's about to out themselves as a Trixie Belden reader? #
  • I don't know how long the wedding ceremony will run, but unless it's a full mass, it'll take less time than we've spent on finding parking. #
  • Nice church. Pity about the view. #
  • Trixie Belden's big selling point for me as a kid? Numbers. Didn't care what they were about; only that our county library had 34 of them. #
  • The church itself, despite its age, boasts fabulous air conditioning… Which is more than can be said of my mother-in-law's. #
  • So… @DaphneUn: "How's my hair? " Me: "Fabulous." Her: "I know, right?" #fishingforyetmorecompliments #
  • West Point weddings begin PRECISELY on time. #youwillbeleftbehind #
  • Cheek-kiss greetings. Ubiquitous on the east coast? I need more data, but signs point to yes. #
  • The priest, crewcut, directs the processional with sharp handsigns. Pretty sure I heard him say 'deploy bride.' #
  • Father Crewcut makes serious use of dramatic #
  • pauses. #
  • The family has used this priest before. He has a 'bit' for his sermons: analyzing the hidden meaning in the readings the couple selected. #
  • If that sounds potentially horrifying and embarrassing, then I think my job is done. #
  • Okay, that's probably the best 'you may kiss the bride' kiss I've witnessed, thanks to the bride. Groom looks happily stunned, and should. #
  • Battery dying. More later. #
  • One more note: it is a full mass, and the parking did NOT take longer. #
  • Bride and Groom exit the church through an archway of drawn sabers. I don't care who you are, that's cool. #
  • Highpoint of the reception; someone with Garth and Wayne likenesses tattooed across the bridge of their feet. #timeless #partyon #
  • A bit surreal. Father-of-the-bride's advice to the couple: Don't blink. #theangelshavethephonebox #
  • Yeah. Totally. RT @ChuckWendig: Kids are basically dogs. I mean, they're not? But sometimes, they are. #
  • Back in Denver! A few hours left to like/retweet/tumbl #hiddenthings before I finish kissing the ground and figure out who won a galley. #
  • I wish I could give a copy of #hiddenthings to everyone entered, but I don't have *nearly* enough. The first galley goes to @juliaakarr! #
  • Another (or is it first?) happy customer! RT @wilsonsteve: Read advance copy of #hiddenthings and @doycet rocked it. #
  • RT @writemonkey: The closest I get to multitasking is ignoring more than one thing at a time. #
  • How would one go about spaying/neutering their plants? I feel like the eyeliner-smeared 'star' of a two-month-long cottonwood money shot. #
  • Oh, and hello to new followers! Visit for the #hiddenthings news, stay for the deciduous bukake jokes. #
  • Going to San Diego Comic Con? – Me too! I’ll be doing some other stuff at the Con as well (when I’m not busy… #
  • I meant to mention this in my review, but @chuckwendig's Blackbirds pretty much… ruined red mylar birthday balloons for me. *shudders* #
  • Don't take the balloon thing as a ding against Blackbirds, by the way; for the right reader, it should be considered a ringing endorsement. #
  • Aww… RT @sekimori: I remember reading this story when he was doing it for a #NaNoWriMo Congrats, D! #hiddenthings #
  • And yes: one reason I think #nanowrimo "works" is because #hiddenthings started life as a NNWM project. I work well with tight deadlines. #
  • Canadian thistle and sweet clover. Two weeds that flower in my wedding colors. Not sure how I feel about that. #noxiouslove #
  • Replaced ten year old home office chair Something Fancy. Butt approves. Daytime standing desk doesn't care. #
  • I would not normally retweet a picture of me that is THAT bad, but the Liefeld mockery makes it a price I'm willing to pay. #
  • TRON: Uprising – First episode, up on Youtube: — and it's pretty damned good. #
  • Random Average » My Outsider, ex-player Impression of WoW’s Mists of Pandaren expansion #
  • HIVEMIND: I'm trying to find a FAQ answer to "ZOMG WUT IF AN AGENT STEALZ MAH STORY IDEA" — thought I had one somewhere, but can't locate. #
  • Workspace – I posted a picture of a new chair to Twitter yesterday. Alongside the picture, I said: ›… #
  • Photo: #
  • I've got 99 problems: (just that kind of day). #
  • "The POLITE thing to do would be to disagree…" #