Tweets for the week of 2011-02-20

  • My major regret from my parent's (too short) visit: we didn't have time to get the usual suspects over to play Turkey Foot. #
  • Tomorrow will mark the first evening with no guests in the house since a week before Sean D was born. #
  • It is AWESOME that so many people are spamming NIV quotes with the #toc hashtag and making Tools of Change impossible to follow. #notawesome #
  • RT @toc: The official tag of the O'Reilly TOC Conference is #toccon #
  • This year, I managed to get my dad a birthday present he wanted and seems to enjoy. That happens about once a decade, so I'm enjoying it. #
  • I'm sometimes overwhelmed by a task's magnitude. In this case: finding a card encompassing @daphneun's b-day/v-day excellence. #itistoomuch #
  • Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. *snrk* huzzah? wha? zzzzzzzzzzzzz… #vdaypotluck #
  • South Dakota Moves To Legalize Killing Abortion Providers | Mother Jones ( – I'm ashamed. #
  • Would Shakespeare tweet? ( – I'm trying to think of anything the AG has done or said that I've respected… #
  • I cannot express with words how awesome @AgentShana is, and expressing things with words is What I Do. #agentappreciation #
  • Felicia Day breathes fire into 'Dragon Age' series – ( – Brilliant. #
  • People, this book: – a CSI instructional workbook with – no joke – scratch and sniff inserts for crime scene smells. #
  • RT @glyneth: Don't like NewTwitter? Tell them why! #
  • RT @jamesbridle: Accessibility is one of the best, least refutable arguments against DRM and closed platforms. #toccon <- Yes. This. #
  • Book light lets baby sleep through nighttime diaper changes ( – Digs out book light. #
  • This weekend, @daphneun (repeatedly) tried to start a flickr slideshow by tapping the laptop screen. We've been using our Droids a LOT. #
  • Looks like it was a really nice day today.

    *stares out the window*

    Was it? #

  • All of my notes on how last night's feedings went are being written as Burning Wheel terminology. I miss gaming. #
  • The HarperCollins genre imprint "Eos" becomes "Harper Voyayer". THERE WILL BE A TEST ON THIS MATERIAL. #
  • RT @rdonoghue: Dagnabit Green Ronin, I want to give you my money NOW!!! #
  • Man… babies. Am I right? #
  • I mean, when it doesn't suck, it's pretty awesome. Babies, I mean. Awesome. When they don't suck. #
  • I don't mean suck as in 'on bottles', obviously. That's okay. I mean suck as in "Why am I awake again? What is that horrible noise?" #
  • Sleep. Yeah. That stuff is nice. Wow. Yeah. I should have some. #
  • The biggest challenge to the baby's bedtime is getting him to burp. That is going to be SO ironic in a couple years. #