Updates for 2009-05-07

  • Managed to dodge @cyface’s “Star Trek meets the Beatles” #sg-pta pitch last night. Assembling a summary of what we DID end up with nnnnnnow. #
  • “Hey Doyce, that Grammar class went really well. Can you do a Basic Physics intro in two weeks?” *headdesk* #
  • Our ‘winning’ #sg-PTA pitch: “The world we know has fallen apart in the face of the Return of Faerie – a post-apocalyptic survival fantasy.” #
  • Adrift: I drop a few words (and a smirk) into the quiet. “Guess you lose out this time, Borden.&#82.. http://tinyurl.com/d4js3s #
  • Rt @LostZombies: “Zombie ? of the Day: If U could remake a movie & put zombies in it, wht movie wld it be?” Grease. #
  • Random Average: Primetime Adventures Pitch Session: Apocalypse Fairies! http://tinyurl.com/r83tja #

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