Updates for 2009-03-25

  • Internet Explorer: From Hell’s Heart I Stab at Thee. In the Face. With ceramic sporks. Sporks of Hate. Hate-Sporks. #
  • Re: @indieauthor – I think Twitter is adding… things. Or rather /trying/ to. Unfortunately, these things are made of LEAD and FAILURE. in reply to indieauthor #
  • I have some Hate-Sporks left over from face-stabbing Internet Explorer earlier, if you need them for Twitter. @indieauthor, @jamieharrington in reply to jamieharrington #
  • A flurry of activity on not-my-projects today has left me mentally drained and with a sense of not actually having done anything. #
  • Game cancelled, due to co-parent being sick and needing me to take Kaylee. No game sucks. Upside is Bonus Kaylee and Sunday ‘off’. #
  • Adrift: The armed locals apparently have guides in the group that know the core of the Drift, and are wil.. http://tinyurl.com/c9sglw #