How do I not own Tomb Raider?

Seriously, how does something like that happen?
Also inexplicably absent from my DVD library: Batman Begins, Superman Returns, and Casino Royale.
Movies I’d like to see: Silver Surfer, Waitress, Ocean’s Thirteen, and Die Hard 4, about which I have heard many many good things.

6 Replies to “How do I not own Tomb Raider?”

  1. Silver Surfer: OK
    Waitress: dunno
    O 13: good
    Live Free or Die Hard: maybe the best of the DH movies, pure no-brainer fun. One might say pulpy.

  2. Someone else’s comment on Life Free or Die Hard was “we wanted to go back in and watch it as soon as we left – pure, perfect summer action fun.”
    And I, of course, and a Willis FAN BOY.
    Kate saw Waitress — liked it, had much good to say, which I will let her chime in with, so I don’t misquote.

  3. Silver Surfer was a hoot.
    Ocean’s Thirteen was a return to the fun of the first. We can now just pretend Ocean’s Twelve never happened (much like the second and third Matrix movies.)
    Die Hard 4…well, just damn.

  4. Can’t WAIT to see Live Free or Die Hard. I’m a huge fan of the series. In fact, I may go this weekend, just because I can! Silver Surfer I can catch on DVD or a plane ride somewhere, Ocean’s 13 is on my must list, and A Might Heart is something to save until the fall — it’s not a summer movie, by my definition.
    Also, Doyce, when you expressed amazement for not owning Tomb Raider, for a moment I thought you were talking about the video game, which I was just talking to Keeley about wanting to play. I know it’s hard enough to find time to play CoH, but every once in a while I want a shoot-em-up with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
    I don’t suppose anyone has a version of the game for a PC they want to let me borrow?

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