7 Replies to “I have no problem with gender neutral pronouns, use them regularly, roll my eyes subtly when it's pointed out I'm doing it, and continue doing it anyway”

  1. I've used it so much that it sounds 100% normal to me.

    I greatly prefer to other approaches common in game books such as designating the players as male and the GM as female for purposes of using gendered pronouns.

    Although Shock's use of artificial pronouns was super appropriate if entirely ear-grating.

  2. This is weird because he's like trying to find a purpose behind grammatical gender (and therefore agreement systems) when the purpose is no more complex than grammatical glue.

    But obviously anyone who's not a prescriptivist buttface should use singular they.

  3. Seen from Italy, this sounds weird.
    You first get rid of pronouns, then you need to invent them back:
    Thou -> You (singular)
    You -> You guys / Y'all (plural)

    one / one's -> they / theirs (singular)

    It is funny, isn't? :^)

    The video.
    In other languages object don't have actually a gender. We do not imagine the bottle with a penis or a vagina. We simply concord nouns and articles, that's it. In Italian (spanish, german, french, portuguese…etc.) An object may have several names, male, female or neuter. So, no. We never imagined to put a pink apron on a bottle, nor I ever thought that my Cucchiaio had a penis (spoon).

    i.e. Driver -> Autista (female), Conducente (neuter) , Guidatore (male)
    Jacket -> Giacca (female), Giubbotto (male)

  4. I actually learned a bit about how to reduce the need for gendered pronouns in a legal writing class. Our tactic is to attempt to make everything plural that we can.

  5. +F. Gentile Autista è neutro perché ha la desinenza -ista (greco -istès), la A con cui inizia è solo una coincidenza, basti pensare al camionista, macchinista o paracadutista.
    Quindi, se l'esempio con "autista" non va bene, possiamo sostituirlo con: sentinella (f.), piantone (m.), vigilante (n.); oppure vedetta (f.), sorvegliante (n.), guardiano (m.) – che ne pensi?

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