- Wow. 50 dollar annual fee is the ONLY charge on this credit card for the past 12 months. 1. Maybe I don't need the card. 2. FIFTY BUCKS? #
- Another Irish Drinking Song (Da Vinci's Notebook) http://t.co/uKbSOrH #
- CCP announces new forum, World does not End: http://bit.ly/h1H0qw #eveonline #tweetfleet #
- Just explained Mandelbrot Set and it's importance to coworker. Me… explaining math theory. Thank you, @jonathancoulton. #
- Just found out that next Friday's deadline is actually Friday-*after*-next's deadline. The happiness, she knows no bounds. #
- So… that thing where we all wear our old, ratty, college sweatshirts to work today? That was actually some *other* building? Oh… good. #
- Franken wants a balanced war budget (http://j.mp/fqslzd) – I like this guy so much. #
- My thoughts exactly… (http://j.mp/gAZ1A7) – Love this. #