Updates for 2009-05-01

  • Annual review. Time to reconcile the Awesome in your head with the Tolerable in your boss’s. #
  • No on else I follow has linked it, so I’ll ring in the month with an an awesome (seriously NSFW) “First of May” hum-along. http://is.gd/vUBR #
  • … and if you don’t dig WoW machinima, here’s a live version by Coulton. http://tinyurl.com/yd25fw #
  • Web Devs: Do You need a Flash Intro? http://www.doineedaflashintro.com/ #
  • And, because I feel like making it a link day, an excellent Green design for a pizza box: http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=8ytcovapu2 #
  • Just in case anyone needs to build a basic grammar class with no warning and a stupidly short deadline. <.<
    http://snipurl.com/h6h0h #
  • So @daphneun is going to Wolverine with ‘the girls.’ (Intersect Update: Naked Hugh Jackman = chickflick, apparently.) So… when do *I* go? #
  • 4e Question: Are there any good level 5 dailies for a dwarven hammer&sheild “tank” fighter? The three in the PHB leave me nonplussed. #
  • Adrift: Concordant Navy gets to me first. Not surprised; they had watchers stationed. I put my hands up, .. http://tinyurl.com/cncu64 #
  • #followfriday is all about stories for me: @thaumatrope, @veryshortstory, @nanoism for fiction. @carrharr & @cassieclare for #writers. Mwah. #

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