Updates for 2009-03-04

  • No one outside publishing cares how a book is published. “POD” is invisible to the consumer; they’re looking for a good story. The end. #
  • Woo. Quiet, intense morning. Time to hit [=] on publisher-musing, and [>] on actual writing (cart, meet horse). But first: Lunch! #
  • Dear Cult of Done: I think I’m in love. http://tinyurl.com/CultOfDone (How to incorporate this into my Time Management class?) #
  • Adrift: Hard to say yes… but not impossible. I’m going to find whatever Kaetlyn found, alone,.. http://tinyurl.com/am2b6f #
  • Okay, writing didn’t happen yet, due to other-job interruptions. Other Job is so needy sometimes, but also my sugarmomma. Sigh. Woe. ;) #
  • … and now I’m hungry. #
  • NBC/Heroes is SO BRAVE to tell the story of a power-drunk, paranoid government. Sure, it’s years late, but it’s EDGEY, right? No? No. #
  • Feeling very planny. Plannish. Full of plan. Current plan involves going to bed. Is a good plan. G’night all. #

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