“Sean want cake, now, please.”

“Sean want cake, now, please.”
Hawkeye: My Life as a Weapon | TheMittani.com
In my last review, I talked about Atomic Robo, a fairly small-press, not-everyone’s-heard-about-it title. This time, let’s go the opposite route. Let’s talk about Marvel. Specifically, let’s talk about a story that really no one would have pegged as a winner, let alone the best title currently …
Jake – doyce testerman
I’m going to tell you about a life. Somewhere in the middle of July, 2000, a puppy was born. I didn’t know about him at the time. I wasn’t even thinking about puppies. I had no plans to get a puppy. That’s just as well as, due to a few complications, this particular puppy – who luckily came into …
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* – Should not actually be considered any kind of guarantee. At all.
Atomic Robo & the Fightin’ Scientists of Tesladyne | TheMittani.com
Let’s start with a quick questionnaire. Do you like: Buckaroo Banzai; Indiana Jones; Doc Savage; Hellboy (movie or comic); Science, especially when it is followed with an exclamation point or preceded by the words “violent,” “adventure,” or both; Nikola Tesla; Wisecracks; Beating up Nazis …
"… leading to most people on the Internet refusing to distinguish between "I don't like it" and "It's not good".
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You are
What you do
When it counts.
Armor | TheMittani.com
The late John Steakley wrote two novels – Armor and Vampire$ – before passing away in 2010, and while he wasn’t particularly prolific, his work absolutely makes up in quality what it lacked in quantity. Since the body of work we’re talking about is limited, I’m going to give you a bit of a two …
322 – Understatement
When you can’t write, write about how you can’t write. This stuff’s easy! Something else that’s easy is to like the Twogag facebook page. I mean, there’s literally a button for it.
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