Updates for 2009-03-04

  • No one outside publishing cares how a book is published. “POD” is invisible to the consumer; they’re looking for a good story. The end. #
  • Woo. Quiet, intense morning. Time to hit [=] on publisher-musing, and [>] on actual writing (cart, meet horse). But first: Lunch! #
  • Dear Cult of Done: I think I’m in love. http://tinyurl.com/CultOfDone (How to incorporate this into my Time Management class?) #
  • Adrift: Hard to say yes… but not impossible. I’m going to find whatever Kaetlyn found, alone,.. http://tinyurl.com/am2b6f #
  • Okay, writing didn’t happen yet, due to other-job interruptions. Other Job is so needy sometimes, but also my sugarmomma. Sigh. Woe. ;) #
  • … and now I’m hungry. #
  • NBC/Heroes is SO BRAVE to tell the story of a power-drunk, paranoid government. Sure, it’s years late, but it’s EDGEY, right? No? No. #
  • Feeling very planny. Plannish. Full of plan. Current plan involves going to bed. Is a good plan. G’night all. #

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Updates for 2009-03-03

  • Random Average: AP Report: In a Wicked Age: Genii, Mad Spirits, and Snakes (in your Pants) http://tinyurl.com/dg3xxs #
  • Via @rdonoghue: Amazon caves to mealymouthed, money-grubbing, luddite, AG: http://tinyurl.com/auv6pm #
  • ME: Tiny Twitter? TT: … ME: Buddy? *shakes phone gently* TT: UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION – APPLICATION TINYTWITTER NOT RESPON– ME: Noooooooo! #
  • Adrift: Jon asks if I’m really going to leave our 11-year old pilot alone with Yoren in the middle .. http://tinyurl.com/bwr95e #
  • Via @feliciaday: Proposed Twitter features: http://is.gd/lmyi [Good suggestions, but 3 and 6 show v.poor understanding of links/metadata.] #

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Updates for 2009-03-02

  • The grand plan for the day is bowling. Kaylee is excited – hurling a ball 1/4th your weight at pins 1/2 your size is guaranteed wacky fun. #
  • Adrift: I ask Mak where the other exits are. He says the answer depends on where I’m going. Jon say.. http://tinyurl.com/al359z #
  • My life, today: Dollhouse improves; Wanted comic shares little DNA with movie spinoff; bowling practice; and @DaphneUn joins the twitterati. #
  • Also, a word about bowling. My practice today verified to me that the problem is not me — it’s the vaseline-slick league-night lanes. Ugh. #

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The number you are trying to reach…

Things have been a little crazy in my personal corner of the Internet for the last couple weeks.  Let me see if I can give you a tour and tell you where I moved all the furniture:


  • My ‘main’ blog, which was at www.doycetesterman.com/journal.html, is now right at doycetesterman.com. It also has a new design, which is apparently different enough that people thought it was a mistake.  The newsfeed for this blog has also changed — the new feed can be had simply by clicking on the big orange button in the top right corner of the page.
  • Random Average is no longer just a blog, but a blog, a forum, a scheduling calendar, and a PONY!  You can get to it via the same ol’ http://random-average.com, but the newsfeed has changed: there’s one for the forums and a different one for the blog.  They’re all linked off the front page of THAT site, top left.
  • Adrift didn’t move, but the news feed is different than it was, and the look is different.  Easiest thing to do in that case is to just go to http://doycetesterman.com/adrift/ and get new links.
  • With all this done, I’m completely ‘off’ of Movable Type — the only thing left up are the eight years of archived posts from both Average-bear (which didn’t make the jump to doycetesterman.com in the first place) and eight years of Random-Average gaming stuff.  The Random Average archives are linked off the new Ning-based R-A site (top left),  and the Average-bear archives are… exactly where they are… which is where you’ll find them if you know where to look.  Ahem.

Not changed:

  • FireflyWiki, RandomWiki, Storyball, doyceandkate — all safe as houses and very unlikely to change. (All those sites are built with PmWiki which, unlike Movable Type, has actually made updating and maintaining them easier, rather than harder.)

Updates for 2009-03-01

  • Adrift: I pull out my comm while Mak flips monitors on and fingers his chair-pistol. Deirdre says ships a.. http://tinyurl.com/c2den2 #
  • Adrift posts for February are complete. Read all 28 posts of the-story-thus-far in proper order here: http://tinyurl.com/finnras-feb #
  • Might go ice-skating with Kaylee today – you know, as a history lesson. “Once, frozen water occurred in the wild!” It’ll be like a zoo trip. #
  • Adrift: [[Story posts for February are complete. Read all 28 posts of the-story-thus-far in proper order .. http://tinyurl.com/cd4jrn #
  • HER: What? ME: Head. Aspirin. Fail. HER: Drink this soda. ME: No… I support your Lent… thing. HER: Do eeeet. ME: Wow. Better. HER: Duh. #
  • Finally finished the lemon cake that Elena MAILED to Denver from NYC. SOOO Gooooood. Nom nom nom. #

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Updates for 2009-02-27

  • RT @rdonoghue Someday the RPG world is going to end in an apocalyptic battle between the aspiring actors and the aspiring novelists. #
  • ME: Hello Friday morning. FM: Hi. Have a big steaming cup of Stupid Drama. ME: Umm, no? FM: That wasn’t a request, dumbass. ME: fuck. #
  • I went from “Improve the book, improve the world!” to “The world/book can fuck itself. to death.” in the space of an hour. Stupid drama FtL. #
  • A small but significant comfort: even when crap+revisions steals away my writer-will, telling the @finnras / Adrift story is still fun. #
  • Adrift: The core is dangerous; got… http://tinyurl.com/btr3j3 #

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