Updates for 2009-02-27

  • RT @rdonoghue Someday the RPG world is going to end in an apocalyptic battle between the aspiring actors and the aspiring novelists. #
  • ME: Hello Friday morning. FM: Hi. Have a big steaming cup of Stupid Drama. ME: Umm, no? FM: That wasn’t a request, dumbass. ME: fuck. #
  • I went from “Improve the book, improve the world!” to “The world/book can fuck itself. to death.” in the space of an hour. Stupid drama FtL. #
  • A small but significant comfort: even when crap+revisions steals away my writer-will, telling the @finnras / Adrift story is still fun. #
  • Adrift: The core is dangerous; got… http://tinyurl.com/btr3j3 #

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