They had me at Barmageddon

Originally shared by +Brock Hatfield

I just got home from going to see "The Worlds End". I won't give out any spoilers. I'll just say that if you appreciate or even love "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz" the way that I love them then you'll very thoroughly enjoy "The Worlds End". It's on par if not better than it's predecessors. If you don't know what any of these movies are you live a meaningless life and need to correct your situation immediately by watching all of these.


I'm definitely 'better' at writing/working in the evening

I'm definitely 'better' at writing/working in the evening. Pity the whole "make this work better by sleeping til 8 to 10 am" isn't an option, and for all practical purposes, never will be.

How to Be a Highly Productive Night Owl
Being an early riser has its benefits, but it isn’t for everyone. Some of humanity’s greatest minds (Voltaire for example) were renowned for sleeping in. Depending on personality, environment, and work schedule, being an early riser may not be practical.

So I've never been in a writing group. Outside of the #whidbeymfa , never workshopped anything

I kind of like it, at least what I've done as part of the MFA.

Since the first workshop, I've been thinking about how to start something like that locally.

But THEN I remembered I have a baby coming in like… 14 minutes. Hanging out somewhere for a couple hours every week, sipping latte and discussing character motivation… that's not going to happen for me in 2013. Or '14.


What about online? Specifically, a small writer's group for workshopping stuff via Google docs and Google Hangouts? I already do gaming stuff there, so I know it's viable with a decent mic/headset. I'm thinking 6 or fewer people, 1 submission a week (<20 pages, shared on Google docs, with comments open to those that have access), with an online one-hour Hangout every week to talk about the submission 'live' (with some basic behavior guidelines).

Thoughts? Interest? Puppy-like excitement?