Angel’s on reruns for weeks, so Monday nights just came open. At a loss as to what to do, and desperately NEEDING to get away from the paint fumes, Jackie and went to the movies, finally settling (after some debate) on the Royal Tenenbaums (after agreeing that, had Resident Evil been out, there would have been no debate necessary — I love my wife).
So… The Royal Tenenbaums.
“Those who enjoy this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they enjoy.”
Jackie and I left the movie in something of a bemused state, commenting (repeatedly) that it was “quite the odd film” and chuckling to ourselves in that unsure way of someone who has just seen a stranger REALLY wipe out on some ice, and isn’t sure whether to laugh or go help.
Tech Tip for Thursday
Do you have a laptop computer that is annoyingly fast or disturbingly quick, even while multitasking? Need a good way to get things back in hand?
Install SQL server and set it to start up at OS boot! Put that persnickity portable PC back in it’s place.
Skeptical? Trust me, it works. I have much cause to know.
(And yes, I’m aware that running SQL Server on a laptop is the unfashionable acme of foolishness. Get along now, leave me be.)
Oh, and BTW
For those of you who saw last night’s Angel episode:
How deeply screwed is Wesley? Holy crap. It’s so obvious when Whedon or Greenwalt write the episode — no one screws with the status quo that much. Love this show.
“I’m with skirt-boy over there.”
So Saturday ran into Sunday, and I crashed headlong into a pillow around 1 am after 14 hours at the con, pretending to be Scottish.
The kilt jokes, oh lord, the kilt jokes.
Highlights included people I don’t know wishing me happy birthday, people I do know wishing me the same, and no less than a half-dozen people “coming out” and confessing that they were secretly readers of the blog. Very cool. I’ll be talking about the Con a little more over on the games page, later this week.
So Sunday started very slowly, in fact it even false-started once — I got up around 9, but decided it wasn’t worth it by 10 and went back to sleep until 1 in the afternoon. After that, we ran up to the Sears outlet (aka “dent and ding”) center to pick up a new dishwasher. I have more to say about this event, but I’ll save that for a later entry.
We went over to Dave and Margie’s in the evening to have dinner with Margie’s Bob Villa-esque parents, and I think the whole family was home and unconscious by about 9pm.
Jack was off to work early this morning, and my project for the day (I have only one week left as an unemployed bum) was putting in the washer.
Again, that’s is an event that deserves its own entry.
So, that’s what’s going on. I itch, I’m dirty, and we (the Boy and I, he had the day off from school) still have to clean up the house a bit before Margie’s folks come over — we’re getting input on some funky home improvements we’re thinking about.
So how was your weekend?
Off to the races
Okay, actually, gone to the games. We’ll be a Ghenghis Con today for a day of geeker joy. News and suchlike afterwards.
Dear Diary…
Today is my birthday. I celebrated by getting my teeth drilled at 7:30 am for two hours. The whole right side of my face hurts. All I can taste is blood. That is all.
The scene:
Smallville: Clark is being tended to by his mother. He is covered in bruises all over his upper torso from where someone has unloaded a SMG at him.
What does his Dad say?
“Well, that answers that question.” [flips paper to next page]
Haven’t laughed that hard in awhile. Feel the love?
Thought for the Day
When you’re playing fetch with your dog, and you manage, in your play, to knock a framed photo off of a shelf that’s 6 and a half feet off the floor, because the thing you’re playing catch with BOUNCED that high…
probably throwing it a little too hard.