Over twelve full hours of geeky-bliss goodness

They’re going to re-release FotR and Two Towers during early-to-mid December, setting up a few theatres nationwide to run a marathon LotR-extended-cut experience on December 16th that will flow right into the December 17th midnight showing of Return of the King.
I. Am. So. There.

(Via Julia)


I’ve been whistling the S.W.A.T. theme since I got out of the movie.
Good flick, lots of fun.


Alias – Second Season is coming out December 2nd.
The First season’s out at the start of September (the 2nd, as is Angel, Season 2), Buffy Season Five is out December 9th, and so is Firefly.
Happy happy.
(Oh, and as I didn’t need another reason to want one, the Alias console game’s out in December as well… on Playstation 2. :P)