
Hard to say if this should be under Fanboy or BitchBitchBitch.
Tim Minear (late of Firefly writing/production fame) has a new show coming out… it’s called Wonderfalls.
(Stop me if you’ve heard this one.)
… It looks… well very cool and kinda damn weird. Definitely genre-bending.
… It’s on Fox.
… They put it on Friday night. (Starts in two weeks.)
… They’re airing the eleventh-filmed episode first (which I believe Minear has said is sort of at the end of the first real story arc).
You ever have a friend that you feel is in a bad relationship, and you should tell them?
Upside: Jewel Stait’s on the show at least for a couple episodes in the middle — heck, she might be in the first aired episode… who knows?
In other geekesque news: Adam Baldwin’s apparently going to be on the next new Angel — there hasn’t been any hoo-haw about it, but Randy saw his name on the cast list for next week’s show.

Smile Time Plot Hole

Pointed out by Jackie last night, while getting caught up on Angel: The human puppeteer guy sang “Courage and Pluck”.
Sang it.
In front of Lorne.

Hurting the ones you love

James Marsters once observed that it was only once you became a favorite of Joss and the other writers that your character really started getting royally messed with.
So… who is their favorite character? Fred or Wesley? It’s kinda close to call.

Gaiman Sweep

So, Todd McFarlane (comic artist/writer and creator of Spawn, et cetera) went to court against Neil Gaiman contesting the ‘creative ownership’ of several characters both secondary (Angela & Cogliostro) and primary (the medieval incarnation of Spawn) that Gaiman created and introduced during a medieval-timeline Spawn story arc he wrote back in the mid-90’s.
(For those who didn’t already know this, Gaiman’s “1602” gig with Marvel was worked out by the author solely to pay for the court costs of dealing with McFarlane.)
Rather than simply apologizing, McFarlane threw a lot of money at lawyers and lost the legal case on every count, then threw a lot more money at lawyers to appeal… and just lost it all again.
To say that the judge skewered the arguments of McFarlane’s lead attorney* is… well, unkind, but wholly accurate, as near as I can tell. Good for him.
According to Gaiman, any money successfully extracted from McFarlane and left over from legal bills goes straight to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

(* — ‘Secondary comic characters are public domain until they’ve been around for, let’s say, 50 issues worth of steady appearance in a comic.’ Riiiight. Also: painting McFarlane as a blue-collar working-joe just trying to make a living in this dog-eat-dog world while being taken advantage of by the high-rolling Eurotrash Gaiman is… amusing in a horrible kind of way.)

Shivering with the antici….

pation. – News

Buzz inside certain Los Angeles law firms suggests that talent contracts are being hammered out, and they’re timed around a May start for an upcoming Universal feature about a starship captain, a space hooker, a mysterious preacher and a pair of fugitives named Tam. The bad news: under the scenario discussed, “Firefly: The Movie” wouldn’t hit multiplexes until late 2005.”

Just enough time to prep for the 2006 TV season ;).