Serenity script

AICN has Serenity Script Review (you may need to reload a couple times to get the browser to load this thing… the site’s currently getting pounded.
There is nothing really spoilery in the article (at least if you’re reading what I’ve been announcing on here), so if your having doubts on checking it out, don’t worry about it.

Considering that the good folks on the Serenity set have only just now started filming, and considering that the film doesn’t come out for almost a year, and most of all considering that the movie will be way, way cooler if you know as little about it as possible, I’m going to give as close to an entirely spoiler-free review as I can.

And nicely done, I’d say.

“Compared to sex with you, masturbation is in its infancy.”

Jackie and I finished up watching the second season of Coupling last night in a marathon viewing session that ran from “My Best Friend’s Bottom” to “The End of the Line” (thanks in large part to borrowing the Consortium copy of the Complete First and Second Season on DVD).
It’s good to spend a night laughing, and it’s worth noting that when we can’t seem to agree on anything movie-wise, we can always agree to spend three hours Coupling.
Watching Coupling. Watching.
The show.
The BBC show.
Anyway, Season Three is out on DVD today yesterday. Just thought you’d want to know.

Browncoats, mark your calendars

Joss speaks on the first day of principle photography for Firefly.

It was a blast. Sean said it was like school was back in session after summer vacation, which I have decided to take as a compliment. Gina did a happy dance (and there are few happier sights than Gina doing a happy dance).

The best part is the news on the release date, via official Universal channels:

If you’re planning to get married on April 22nd 2005, you better change the date. Seriously. Who gets married in April? Just change it. I can’t wait for you all to see what we’re putting together. It’s a crazy-quilt of infotainment that I like to call a ‘film’, and it just may be the best one ever made. Or one of the ones in the middle. Probably not the worst… I’m thinking middle. High middle. So buckle up and get ready for that patented Joss Whedon “high-middle” excitment. It’s on its way.

I’ve already got it in my Palm calendar.

Fireflywiki RSS

In yet another instance of PMWiki displaying it’s pure superiority to PHPWiki, now has a much more reliable RSS feed, located here.
Props to ***Dave for pointing out this function.

Firefly stuff

Chiwetel Ejiofor, of Amistad and Dirty Pretty Things, appears in the motion picture “Serenity.”

DVD for Wonderfalls

Now if I could figure out a way to buy the DVDs directly from the cast and crew and not give Fox any money at all… that would be sweet.

Okay, some tiny good news — looks as though 20th is going to go through with “Wonderfalls” DVDs. The folks on the DVD marketing side of Fox love the 13 episodes and see great potential. We’re talking about extras and commentary and all that good stuff. December/Holiday release was mentioned. I’ll keep you updated.

They talk some more about having to possibly swap out the songs that were in the original version of the shows for ‘cheaper’ songs to license for use and all of that sort of nonsense, but it’s still pretty cool news.