
Holy crap, there’s just so much to say.
I’m so very glad I went (and I’m also really glad Dave went along, and that his friend Mary put us up, and that the people I know in life (Madeline, I’m looking your way) are so genuinely cool.
The Con is amazing. The space is amazing. I spent way too much money on stuff, and there’s so much more I wanted or am now looking forward to. I saw this trailer down on the dealer floor, as well as one for Audition (Odishon). I did not buy stuff from Kindergoth (Tattooed, body-pierced kindergarteners saving the world from an alien invasion), Alcatraz High, GameSkins, or gettosake, but that’s just to budget out my purchases over time; my money on the first day there went towards Red Star t-shirts and trades, Geeksoap, getting Courtney Crumrin stuff signed by Ted Naifeh (and talking with him about what Fox might do with their CC option). I mostly avoided the DC Comics pavilion, but did stop by long enough to hear about “Death” coming out from from New Line. I bought stuff from Stikfas, which are just cool, and got a freebie one commemorating the con.
I spent some time at Stan Sakai’s booth on both Sunday and Saturday and bought a bunch of Usagi Yojimbo stuff, which he signed for both me and Justin. He’s a great guy.
I didn’t go to many panels the first day — I did want to check out Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, but I know it’s 98% green screen with no sets and I know it’s cool (and big auditorium it was in was really hard to get into), and I’ve been reading about The Grudge for months now (which, like The Ring, is a adaptation of a Japanese horror film and, like the Ring, looks creepy as HELL), so there was no draw there — (also, like alot of Whedon fans, I’m sorta pissed that Gellar refused to visit Comic-Con (et cetera) for the entire seven years of Buffy but immediately showed up when it came time to promote her new movie. Anyway.
(Also, fans ask some pretty damn stupid questions at these panels, and that’s not really a draw for me.)
I gave blood on Saturday at the Con (Robert A. Heinlein memorial blood drive) and to protect myself from too many woozy-judgement purchases played the new Red Star Video Game for PS/2 and read about Green Ronin doing a “d20 Future Rules” Red Star book.
I saw Amber Benson promoting the comic she’s doing with Christopher Golden and the movie she wrote and directed and starred in last year and after reading some comments tonight I’m starting to think I was stupid to not get in line and meet her. Dang.
Then there was Sunday. Right.

Continue reading ““Reavers!””

How much is short-notice air-fare?

Serenity News

For those of you in the San Diego area this weekend, Joss will make an appearance at Comic-Con this coming Sunday with the entire cast of the show:
What: Joss Whedon/SERENITY panel
When: Sunday July 25th, 1-2pm
Where: Room 20
Who: Joss, Nathan, Gina, Adam, Summer, Jewel, Ron, Alan, Sean, Morena
They will also be screening the first footage from SERENITY shown anywhere! The panel will be followed by a signing session, where there will be give-aways for those interested.

I could fucking weep, sweartagawd.

Alias FYI

Alias – The Complete Third Season will be released on September 7, 2004 on DVD.

Serenity movie stuff

Many browncoats managed to get themselves signed up as extras on the Big Damn Movie (or are simply going on tours of the Universal lot and trying to get peeks at the set — a lot of the scenes requiring extras have now been filmed, and reports from the set are coming in, mostly without spoilers.
Giving due notice — this is basically a bunch of undetailed raving about the two seconds someone got to see the ship’s bridge or something — largely boring unless you’re… well, me.

Serenity pix

5.jpg “Dusty Bottoms” posts up some news from the Serenity filming and, best of all, includes from behind the scenes shots (ostensibly taken by Adam Baldwin, though he’s in one of the shots).
* Wash’s costume is bad-ass.
* Summer/River looks ethereal, even off-stage and out of character.
OH: Update… here’s the link!

Life imitates art

Consider this excerpted quote from a recent Serenity Interview/Article:

“We are living in the moment, but we’re appreciating the moment. We’re working hard at that. We’re up in the air. As long as we don’t look down, or behind us, or too far ahead, everything will work itself out.”

Could be a line from the show or a line about the show.