Tweets for the week of 2010-11-14

  • Morning, #nanowrimo folken. It's day eight. Are you still in this thing? Awesome! Find out why: #
  • Listen, internet: I'm kinda tired, so can we just assume I ranted about the stupidity of Daylight Savings Time (again), and call it good? #
  • *looks at calendar* Day seven? Not day eight? *mutters* #
  • Reading a sekrit copy of Choose Your Doom: Zombie Apocalypse. Heh. heheheheheh. Heh. Review soon. #
  • (Re)Blogged for #nanowrimo folks: Getting past the Dreaded Day Seven: #
  • RT @ChuckWendig: Come, novelists and writer-types. Murder unicorns with me. Get shut of writing myths: #NaNoWriMo #
  • The cunningly sophisticated @maureenjohnson is answering #nanowrimo questions today. Probably yours. Check it: #
  • Unicorn City trailer: @unicorncity — I'm in some kind of shameful nerd love with this thing. #
  • I'm unreasonably optimist that maybe, sometime today, Twitter's API will unclench enough for my new blog post links to actually show up. #
  • I'm unreasonably optimistic that maybe, sometime today, Twitter's API will unclench enough for my new blog post links to actually show up #
  • Alright, screw optimism; time to post links my hand. #primate #
  • RT @Three_Star_Dave: RT @pourmecoffee: Pressure building on GOP to cut deficit/create jobs. I sense an anti flag-burning amendment coming! #
  • Writers, gamers, Chuck speaks, and it's good: Solve for X – A Story Must be an Incomplete Equation: #nanowrimo #
  • The siding repair guy is FINALLY going to fix our house damage tomorrow. SO, DENVER PEOPLE: It *will* snow tonight. Thought you should know. #
  • Huh. A way to tweet right from the Chrome address bar. #
  • For the Burning Wheel game, @cyface has given his character the Instinct "Always be the Smarted Person in the Room." *rubs hands together* #
  • Gah. Yesterday, none of the twitterfeed stuff worked. Now it's all posting twice. Sorry for the spam, guys. #
  • Surreal: @daphneun had a dream where one of my characters (Vikous) was showering. Leathery wings, pale skin, clawed feet, and sudsy loofah. #
  • As I predicted this morning, frozen precipitation has begun outside my window. How long before the siding guy calls to postpone? #takingbets #
  • I think what might ultimately break my soda habit are afternoons like today, when a meager caffeine dose is INSUFFICIENT. #
  • Who ( – Who. Pond. Mucha. Lovely. #
  • My new favorite Chrome extension: #
  • First Snow #
  • Burning Wheel prep and #writing all day today. Need a #nanowrimo post? I suggest this one: #
  • Tonight's Burning Wheel game involves a murder investigation and a sport we've invented that combines nine-pins, lacrosse, and blood bowl. #
  • Fun first Burning Wheel session. Not the game I expected to run, but I love it. #
  • Should be a very productive morning; absolutely no distra– *email ping* "Your invitation to" — Oh crap. #
  • Least I Could Do: 2010-11-11 ( – This is pretty much how Kate is with dentists. #
  • Someday I'm going to write in the morning when I'm all productive and save sleepy afternoons for crap like fixing web templates. #viceversa #
  • CANNOT. WAKE. UP. Prescription: cold weather and major caffeine hit. Tattered Cover, here I come. #
  • Biweekly veggie/fruit delivery has two pomegranates in it. POMEGRANATES. I don't have that kind of free time; no one does! #
  • Oh dear. It's actually four pomegranates. I'm going to have decide between fruit and finishing this story. #nanowrimo #NaPoEaMo #fight #
  • Hey, @ChuckWendig has some damn good, damn solid tips on avoiding distractions and focusing. Read em: #nanowrimo #
  • Least I Could Do: 2010-11-12 ( – Again, this is eerily familiar. #
  • Cunning plan to get some writing done this morning was a complete failure — except for the blog post, which I already do in the morning. #
  • Time to find out if the afternoon will be any better. Netbook says it's got 3 hours of battery left. LET'S FIND OUT. #
  • DAMN this renovation. Damn. it. Why can't anything be simple? #
  • Kaylee has approximately every shade of (or colorwheel neighbor to) "red" on this morning, simultaneously. *fumbles for sunglasses* #
  • The Man in the Frey Flannel Suit ( – Frey's an ass. Notoriously so. #
  • Holy crap. 70k into the WIP, and I just figured out WHY this one thing keeps happening in the story. So surprised. Happy. #lovemyjob #