Forward and Back

Inspired by Kate’s post, In the Past Year, I…

  • Saw, for the first time in my life, the person I voted to become President actually become president, capping what was for me an utterly unprecedented level of activity and involvement in the campaign process. I cried like a little girl.
  • Celebrated my first wedding anniversary.
  • Actually enjoyed a Ren faire for the first time, thanks to seeing it through the eyes of my wife and my daughter, rather than my own.
  • Killed a Balrog, and bought a lifetime subscription to a computer game.
  • Painted the house, and built a pretty cool shelf unit out of an old kitchen table.
  • Started and maintained a regular face-to-face gaming schedule. (Biweekly, on Wednesdays, one full year as of January 14th!)
  • Made some new friends out of old acquaintances.
  • Finished publisher-requested revisions on Hidden Things; this time adding over 75 pages to the manuscript.
  • Figured out, for the eighth time or so, what I liked about blogging, and why I wanted to keep doing it.
  • Figured out, for the seventh time or so, what to write about.
  • Wrote a series of posts of which I’m really terribly proud.
  • Started podcasting.
  • Kept my day job (and actually got a nice bonus).
  • Made my wife laugh when she wasn’t expecting to.

In 2010, I want to:

  1. Learn CPR
  2. Bake a birthday cake for someone
  3. Learn how to sharpen a knife better
  4. Read fiction every day
  5. Write every day (either fiction or a blog post, at least, but preferably both)
  6. Learn how to mix a vodka gimlet well enough to please my personal preferences
  7. Make a meal for company
  8. Travel light
  9. Be a better listener
  10. Find the light at the end of the tunnel with Hidden Things (or, failing that, create my own light)

Bonus: Finish, and finish podcasting, Adrift.

How about you?

4 Replies to “Forward and Back”

  1. dude.
    jim can help you to sharpen a knife. we can trade vodka gimlets when next we see each other. [mine is mean and only slightly green.] where is the big sporting event [participating, not watching] on this list?
    lovely lovely to see all three of you on a snowy day.
    .-= yi shun´s last blog ..Gwen Bell’s Best of 2009: Startup =-.

    1. Another triathlon goes on the “I will” list a little more readily than the “I want to” list. :)

      As for the other suggestions: yes!

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