- TIm Barber, WCP (http://j.mp/i38ge #
- Health Care Reform: The Hank Factor (http://j.mp/Mm2D1) – As always, an insightful and funny breakdown. #
- Adrift: From the bridge, we watch an Impossible Thing. Then again, the moon that exists in both -spaces i.. http://bit.ly/Kgb90 #
- Beware the Bearsharktopus (http://j.mp/XSlMd #
- RT @fredhicks: I filter folks on facebook. They're all in a group called "I don't read anything on facebook". #
- Release your inner dork: http://bit.ly/1sS9sZ – my new wallpaper. #
- Adrift: It’s a space station. A Solar Republic station, which means it looks like holy thing….. http://bit.ly/1vRByq #
- Random Average: Mouse Guard: The River at Elmoss, and making players cry http://bit.ly/1b2cXv #
- Badass of the Week: Simo Hayha (http://j.mp/m81Bu #
- Six Flags (http://j.mp/EggG4) – Seriously, whoa. #
- Danger Patrol, tonight. 1st time. Will we face crimson apes? Stygian adepts? Plan 8 from Planet X? All I know is: there will be DANGER. #
- Adrift: The duo-dimensional republic-era station is interesting, but irrelevant; I tell Deirdre to contin.. http://bit.ly/dT99b #
- Danger Patrol: Zombie Kong almost released Z1B1 across Rocket City! #
- Adrift: I’m used to The Look, but I’m not ready for it in this context. It usually indicates.. http://bit.ly/yAuH6 #
- Dear Fringe: the X-files would like their scorpion mole-rat boy back. #
- The idiot box (http://j.mp/fv1UQ) – I'd be surprised if we averaged more than 3 hours a day, which means somewhere, someone's doing 13 h … #
- Misery Bubblegum (http://j.mp/IaIBh) – Got this in the mail a few days ago. Now if only I had some people to play it with… #
- Adrift: So, the impossibly ancient, impossibly not-being-torn-to-atoms station is the origin-point of th.. http://bit.ly/4U75n #
- I and @daphneun have now spent a pretty significant sum of money to NOT go see Flogging Molly perform. Twice. It's like some kind of curse. #
- Cirque de Soleil was a delight; left the wee bairn physically and mentally exhausted. Those two statements aren't related. #