Updates for 2009-03-13

  • Retweet @toniandrews Part 3 of article on common issues that get manuscripts rejected is up, this time on http://www.DeadlineDames.com #
  • Adrift: The traceback means unfriendly people on the way. With friends. I tell Mak I need an exit route n.. http://tinyurl.com/crw3cs #
  • There really isn’t a Zelazny story I’ve read that fails to impress. Like unadorned furniture built by a master, it endures beyond trends. #
  • Sub-productive day. Patience-trying evening ahead. No news from home and no time to write tonight. Rawr. #
  • Cleaned out a lot of crap in my hosting account. My finger hovers over “delete” on the 108mb Movable Type DB, but… no. Not yet. #

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