Tweets for the week of 2010-10-24

  • I just learned how I'm going to die: it's called 'The Entourage': a 10oz hamburger between two grilled cheese sandwiches. #yum #
  • EeePC seems to have asploded overnight. May be time to try the F9 F9 F9 reinstall. Won't lose files, but I will lose many installed apps. :( #
  • A Cool Thing on Monday: Rollabind ( – For the office supply nerds in my posse. #
  • RT @fredhicks: The new Doctors Without Borders RPGNow bundle contains Don't Rest Your Head — Good cause, great games. #
  • A *fine* pairing with my post today: RT @jeffkirvin: "I guarantee the Big Six take the wrong lesson from this." #
  • Notes from a stay at home dad ( #
  • RT @ebertchicago: There's something I'd like to make clear. I'm not a breast fetishist. I'm a cleavage fantasist. #
  • The Solo Adventures — better than anything Lucas has done with Star Wars in the last 15 years. #
  • Random Average: Finding the fun in Star Wars again #
  • Because he IS. RT @DaphneUn: Watching the original Star Wars with @doycet and Trixie. He keeps telling her R2-D2 is the hero. #
  • A quarter of the way through The Revision That Wouldn't Die: Son of the Son of Revision 2 – The Revisioning. #
  • "Giraffes: A Study of Nature's Most Reluctant Heterosexuals." #
  • GAH! There's cinnamon and sugar mix covering the whole kitchen counter. What… How am I supposed to… *looks around* *licks counter clean* #
  • You know, I think I like hotdogs because of the buns more than the actual hotdog. #
  • Live Undead – Marketing Draculas ( – This is the kind of Konrath post I find valuable and interesting. #
  • RT @DaphneUn: Heh. @doycet just called our home remodeling project a "revision" instead of a "renovation." Someone's been writing! #
  • GOD I hate when people take the heel off a loaf, take another slice, then put the heel back. THE HEEL IS THE BEST PART. IT WILL DRY OUT. #
  • Also: what the hell is the deal with not eating the heel? Too much crust? Are you six? Have you ever LOOKED at the hamburger buns you love? #
  • This is the same #foodrage I wade through every time I get back from a trip and find out what the house sitting person did THIS time. #
  • Anyone down in south Denver interested in a Burning Wheel one-shot this evening? #
  • Parkour on a skateboard? ( – I shouted "What?!?" And rewound a half-dozen times. At least. #
  • Random Average: Burning Wheel (finally) #
  • Okay, am I an idiot, or is there really no way to get a 'recent documents' link off the Win7 start menu? #
  • Even after all this time, this story still makes me laugh out loud. I love it. #revisions #
  • A HA! I found it! Right click on the on the orb. Start menu tab. Customize. Check "Recent Items". #
  • RT @fredhicks: RT @kwnewton: Whoa! Amazon adding a "lend" feature to Kindle – #
  • Author: 4chan bootlegging led to big sales increase ( – Someone tell me again how piracy hurts sales. #
  • I don't normally tweet food, but… Opened brand new containers of: oatmeal, raisins, AND brown sugar for breakfast this morning. So good. #
  • Has anyone else shut off the new version of twitter and gone back to the old design? Besides me, that is. #
  • On my computer and gaming, I drink a soda an hour. At least. Writing? It's 1 pm and there's one, half-empty, forgotten can sitting here. #
  • RT @ebertchicago: 6.43 times more French films than Hollywood films can pass The Bechtel Test. #
  • RT @tommccammon: Twitter makes you like people you've never met. Facebook makes you hate people you know in real life. #
  • Heading to the roller derby with @daphneun and my five-year-old. Need to establish her role models. #goodparenting #
  • Daughter jamming out to Prince's 'You Got the Look' as we get a slice at Denver's Sexy Pizza. The #goodparenting continues. #
  • Whoa. The line for the roller derby goes around the block. #holymoly #