- TIm Barber, WCP (http://j.mp/i38ge #
- Health Care Reform: The Hank Factor (http://j.mp/Mm2D1) – As always, an insightful and funny breakdown. #
- Adrift: From the bridge, we watch an Impossible Thing. Then again, the moon that exists in both -spaces i.. http://bit.ly/Kgb90 #
- Beware the Bearsharktopus (http://j.mp/XSlMd #
- RT @fredhicks: I filter folks on facebook. They're all in a group called "I don't read anything on facebook". #
- Release your inner dork: http://bit.ly/1sS9sZ – my new wallpaper. #
- Adrift: It’s a space station. A Solar Republic station, which means it looks like holy thing….. http://bit.ly/1vRByq #
- Random Average: Mouse Guard: The River at Elmoss, and making players cry http://bit.ly/1b2cXv #
- Badass of the Week: Simo Hayha (http://j.mp/m81Bu #
- Six Flags (http://j.mp/EggG4) – Seriously, whoa. #
- Danger Patrol, tonight. 1st time. Will we face crimson apes? Stygian adepts? Plan 8 from Planet X? All I know is: there will be DANGER. #
- Adrift: The duo-dimensional republic-era station is interesting, but irrelevant; I tell Deirdre to contin.. http://bit.ly/dT99b #
- Danger Patrol: Zombie Kong almost released Z1B1 across Rocket City! #
- Adrift: I’m used to The Look, but I’m not ready for it in this context. It usually indicates.. http://bit.ly/yAuH6 #
- Dear Fringe: the X-files would like their scorpion mole-rat boy back. #
- The idiot box (http://j.mp/fv1UQ) – I'd be surprised if we averaged more than 3 hours a day, which means somewhere, someone's doing 13 h … #
- Misery Bubblegum (http://j.mp/IaIBh) – Got this in the mail a few days ago. Now if only I had some people to play it with… #
- Adrift: So, the impossibly ancient, impossibly not-being-torn-to-atoms station is the origin-point of th.. http://bit.ly/4U75n #
- I and @daphneun have now spent a pretty significant sum of money to NOT go see Flogging Molly perform. Twice. It's like some kind of curse. #
- Cirque de Soleil was a delight; left the wee bairn physically and mentally exhausted. Those two statements aren't related. #
Updates for the week of 2009-09-20
- ROTTWEILER ATTACK! (http://j.mp/ajfPI) – Monday blahs? Watch this. #
- 22 Tools You Should Keep in Your Car (http://j.mp/o3Tym) – Bookmarking for a shopping list. #
- Adrift: After checking Deidre’s course (perfect) and Jon’s system repair (three months early).. http://bit.ly/1cNCzd #
- Celebrated Darwin biopic can't find a distributor in the US, producer blames creationists (http://j.mp/xeKxD) – <b>hangs head in shame</b> #
- New class is done – feedback was good. #
- The perfect city (http://j.mp/Lx7Bt) – The theory he puts forth would mean the midwest w/should be a vast freakshow. Sadly, not true. #
- Sometimes, I dream that my grandfather shows up at my first book signing, and he's really proud. Then I wake up. That part really sucks. #
- I do not write from an outline; never saw the point. This batch of revisions is changing my opinion; you outline-writing people are smart. #
- Adrift: – mw. mmph. hnh. ngggh. whzzt? gnnghhhh! wha? what What WHAT! Why… noise. Tired. Why….. http://bit.ly/kKzij #
- Can't find a non-Mac index-cards-on-corkboard story layout tool, so I'm buying some actual index cards. And corkboard. #takethatscrivener #
- Going to @jonathancoulton on Friday. Tickets suspiciously strings-free. Giddy, but on guard. #
- Adrift: SHIP alarm. Crap. We’re probably still in a jump, so… fire? Nothing else it could be .. http://bit.ly/1F9De #
- The Empire Strikes Barack [Pic Of The Day] (http://j.mp/PDUWk #
- Not a great day. Not /bad/, as such, but decidedly less-good than it might have been. #
- This is me: RT: @RowanLarke: My book is like a big game of Jenga. With words. I'm scared I'll take a piece out and later it'll collapse. #
- We is America (http://j.mp/VPAB8) – "9/12/01: everyone was an American. 8 years later, the 9-12 Project: 78,000 white people who can’t s … #
- How to Unlock the Amazing Secret of Unlimited Productivity (http://j.mp/7yoMz) – As a teacher of productivity/time management classes, I … #
- I just noticed that the current WIP-copy I'm working in is missing stuff. Entire scenes. #eyegouge #OpenOfficeNeedsADiffCompare #
- Hey Twitterfolk – about a week back, someone mentioned a free online thing that backs up versioned copies of your stuff. RT yourself, plz. #
- Adrift: The only object that exists in both jump-space and regular space is a moon in the Remnants, but t.. http://bit.ly/fJDZQ #
- The Search (http://j.mp/qMt9u) – Ahh, perspective. #
- RT: @kottke: nearly 45,000 annual US deaths are associated with lack of health insurance – a 9/11 every month or so. http://bit.ly/3AhscT #
- Okay, WHAT is that noise? #yourguessasgoodasmine #
- Cool. We'll actually be there pretty soon. At hampden and Monoco. #
- Adrift: Turns out, I was wrong twice: I /did/ sleep that long, and that remnant moon isn’t the only.. http://bit.ly/11OwN0 #
- Rt @mightymur things that should not be difficult to open: Midol. Arthritis medicine. Ben & Jerry's. (I agree. Especially the Midol.) #
- Mind. Kinda blown. Rt @lilithsaintcrow "The story belongs to the character who changes the most." –Laura Kalpakian (http://bit.ly/3HKuPQ) #
- (I miss all the good stuff) RT @cyface Hmmm. I declare that peeing in a urinal next to @jonathancoulton is a bit too surreal for me. :) #
- The @jonathancoulton show was excellent. I laughed, cried, and combos thereof. Only downside was the table of idiots who wouldn't STFU. #
- IMPORTANT: @daphneun has songs from Glee on her iPod. I will understand if you shun her for this. Or follow her. That too. #
- In honor of Talk like a Pirate Day: http://bit.ly/2jJZw (there're live versions but I dig the machinima) #
- Wanting to Game with My Dad (http://j.mp/2iCroF) – Someday. Someday… #
- Chuck E. Cheese birthday party, plus post @jonathancoulton hangover. A bit like being a chestburster victim, juuust before the big reveal. #
- Solar panels shaped like clay roof tiles (http://j.mp/13aTf5) – DO WANT. #
Updates for the week of 2009-09-13
- Dear Fall Allergies: I really feel like we should see other people. You're no good for me, and I… Hate you. Rather a lot. #
- Adrift: The ship engines – a bone-deep subliminal hum that goes unnoticed until absent – fade to idle. Jo.. http://bit.ly/KKhqo #
- RT: @scalzi: I get by with a little help from my friends. And Coke Zero. Mostly the Coke Zero. #
- I sort of forgot about Twitter today. Not 'forgot' as in 'consciously avoided', but as in 'pretty much failed to recall as a thing.' #
- Going to go see 9 tonight; I can't physically restrain myself from doing so on 9.9.9. Advertising dupe? Whatever. Pass the popcorn. #
- Adrift: I tap in two messages, sent in opposite directions. The first reads, “I am coming.” T.. http://bit.ly/AbGWT #
- The Health Care Debate (http://j.mp/1XPjvr) – Once again, brilliant. #
- This is… wait, this is blogging. (http://j.mp/V0791) – #
- 08/31/09 PHD comic: 'Peak Productivity' (http://j.mp/CHIDY) – If not for a work schedule, this would be me. #
- I'm a little leery of this Reader2Twitter plugin, but… well, we'll see how it goes. #
- Tomorrow, I'm flying to Oklahoma. Why? For the best of all possible visiting-Oklahoma reasons – to drive OUT of Oklahoma. Yes, seriously. #
- Ask Maggie: Nine Toddler Things I Can’t Live Without (http://j.mp/Zp77M) – #
- Watched "9" last night. The full length film absolutely delivers on the promise of the trailer and/or the award-nominated short. #
- Review: Shane Acker’s 9 (http://j.mp/i5iGX) – I pretty much feel this review is spot-on. Doesn't mean it's not a good movie, but it's no … #
- Adrift: [Part One: The End] http://bit.ly/z4Sy0 #
- Art School Girl (http://j.mp/XONfp) – #
- Adrift: The ship is quiet during jumps. Ambient energy absorption mutes the engine thrum and muffles spee.. http://bit.ly/XJBZe #
- Timberleigh (http://j.mp/Nqees) – #
- Then and Now with Goofus and Gallant – This Modern World | Salon Comics (http://j.mp/q1bJd) – Yup. #
- 12 Clever Substitutions That Save Money (Nearly) Effortlessly (http://j.mp/BrxYt) – I do believe I'll be trying some of these. #
- RT @angelajames In digital publishing? @ann_aguirre has a fascinating post. Thanks, Ann. http://ow.ly/oYcP – well-aimed chastising, indeed. #
- Walked down into the one-story, painted-cinderblock, services-free terminal to wait for our prop-plane flight. 1955 is sunny. #
- I suspect our reverse time-travel might continue well into the afternoon. And me without my Obama button. #
- RT @TrishDoller KT Lit #followfriday: @JosieBloss @JohnnyNoble @kikihamilton @theames @naturallysteph @juliaakarr @ransomriggs @twitofalili #
- Upside: told we can leave our phones on all flight; the signal does not, apparently, interfere with the 'wireless telegraph' on board. #
- Adrift: I start some engine work. Deirdre comms – says it’s affecting the jump. Open a terminal; Jo.. http://bit.ly/MnYRJ #
- Oklahoma heat is not like Colorado heat – this OK stuff has ~20% more Suck in it. #lrnaboutweathertermsFriday #
- Am being told 'suck' is usually refered to as 'humidity'. Whatever. This is Twitter; Suck is shorter. Also? TOTALLY ACCURATE. #
- Ooooh. RT @angelajames Twistory Backs Up Your Tweets to a Calendar Feed – twitter – Lifehacker http://ow.ly/oYV5 #
- Just had a great meal at an old autpomotive garage renovated as a charming restaurant. I <3 urban decay as a design goal. #
- Mark Twain (http://j.mp/44Rgwf #
- Then and Now with Goofus and Gallant – This Modern World | Salon Comics (http://j.mp/q1bJd) – Yup. #
- Lois McMaster Bujold (http://j.mp/10C9Xt) – A quote somewhat relevant to the current Healthcare dust-up. #
- RT @Maggie Starting to think the human condition shifts between two states of being: 1. Lonely. 2. Wishing everyone would leave you alone. #
- Rt @TimByrd Number of 9/11's into term without catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil: Bush 0, Obama 1. #
- Adrift: I’m in no mood for the silent treatment from my own crew, but I’m even less likely to.. http://bit.ly/1a7Va2 #
- Making homemade port out of mediocre red and a really good port (Road Dog). Don't make a face til you try it. #
- Also, dancing with @daphneun. Still one of my favorite things in the whole world. #
- RT @Three_Star_Dave RT @drhorrible: Emmy. Yes. We won an Emmy. You are the reason. [Woot! Huzzah! MWAH-HA-HA-HA!] #
Updates for the week of 2009-09-06
- Bad Gods™ | Monster Manual Comix: Vampire http://bit.ly/TjYks #
- I remember when discussing your roleplaying preferences meant saying “I usually play fighters.” Sometimes I kinda miss those days. #
- Adrift: The hatches bracketing the venting airlock drop like stones. Burns leaps backward to safety. Most.. http://bit.ly/rRUkh #
- Random Average: Meta-gaming, Actor-Stance, Author-stance, and Narration http://bit.ly/XlVn2 #
- So, in Excel is there any way to take the rows and columns and just… swap them? Make my rows into my columns and vice versa? #
- Excel Answer: “Paste Special: Transpose.” Huh. Who knew? (Google, apparently.) #
- L.A. Now: http://bit.ly/oBVCf – hoping the folks I know out there are okay. #
- Adrift: Deirdre sprint-stomps toward the bridge – the force of the decomp will push us away from Burns.. http://bit.ly/klFkb #
- RT @YoungIskander Seriously. If your webapp doesn’t support the back button, fuck off back to programming school. #firstdirect #l2internet #
- In a final act of universe-collapsing tech-cest, I share “This is… wait, this is blogging.” http://bit.ly/AAPxd — on Twitter. #
- Adrift: Frozen blood crystals fill the space between our ships, fountaining from the leg caught in/under .. http://bit.ly/vANR8 #
- For the gaming people, fun (to me) conversation going under “Meta-gaming, Actor-Stance, Author-stance, and Narration” http://bit.ly/1c4P1o #
- John Green’s thought bubble on: The Health Care Debate http://bit.ly/1cJnzH #
- Adrift: Bin’s engines spin up; I get heavier – the ship’s gravity kicks up to normal once we&.. http://bit.ly/1jceoZ #
- Random Average: Mix-Maxing Fun http://bit.ly/3RcmN9 #
- “Allowing the load to shift outside the Stability Triangle makes the truck and load less stable.” – My day; filled with Stability Triangles. #
- Seven months of @finnras. 200 posts, and finally free of the Drift. Sorry: “free”. Can’t wait to see what happens next. #
- Adrift: One line of text.
“We still have Mak.” http://bit.ly/16wloc # - In hindsight, fighting from 0 to 1000 ranking at sword duels in Wii Sport Resort last night, before painting all day today was a BAD plan. #
- Retweet @scalzi You know, whenever I eat at Taco Bell, I almost feel like I should apologize to Mexico. #
Updates for the week of 2009-08-30
- Watch this. Not where people can see you cry, but watch it. “Moments” a short film by Will Hoffman. http://bit.ly/10NLxy #
- Tech Support Cheat Sheet http://bit.ly/11IA1x #
- Yeah: RT @UnclePilot I have a list of things I am going do at work today, and none of it involves actually working. #
- RT: @ColleenLindsay: Julia Child’s back on NYT list, yet when Del Rey & HM tried to get LOTR back on, NYT said no, because LOTR is backlist. #
- A Softer World: 475 “Fun things to yell during sex” http://bit.ly/2bltBD #
- RT @pourmecoffee GOP defends health care like it defends marriage – by making it hard to get and scaring those who already have it. #
- Left work behind a coworker. If I hadn’t /just/ been talking to them – only had their driving to go on, I’d be calling cDOT to report a DUI. #
- Adrift: I don’t hear the bang, i don’t think, but my body jerks all the same. http://bit.ly/9saaQ #
- Coolest theory ever: Mayans Destroyed by Zombies http://bit.ly/vYBYP #
- RT @jchutchins Absolutely smitten by @shitmydadsays (I completely agree.) #
- A bit poetic: the only time I’ve EVER gotten a live person when contacting my (now, former) auto insurer was the day I called to cancel. #
- Adrift: I have zero doubt that, at some later point, Jon will refer to my artful dodging as ‘gracef.. http://bit.ly/nd6v8 #
- Me: Dammit, brain; we’re playing PTA tonight, not Mouse Guard. Focus! / Brain: Squirrel! / Me: No! / Brain: *sulk* #
- Adrift: Burns motions for his people to leave. He looks at Deirdre, waiting. Long pause. I have to remind.. http://bit.ly/a0Mwf #
- Transcription hell continues. Ugh. #
- Adrift: At the airlock. Burns says to knock some sense into Kaetlyn. I pause, then say I will. Burns hesi.. http://bit.ly/ndoXO #
- Crisis! Coworker brought me a Santiago breakfast burrito… but I already HAD breakfast! Solution: Eat yummy burrito anyway. #isolveproblems #
- RT: @tordotcom: Martial art fantasy: Jo Walton re-reads C.J. Cherryh’s The Paladin http://is.gd/2CCfV #
- Maybe I should work late; @daphneun is trying to infect me with stuff. Not even HER stuff, just… stuff. #
- Think I might make some proper, 24-hour-steeped-in-cool-water iced coffee this weekend. Anyone ever used a french press for such things? #
- Adrift: I punch the big red button next to the hatch. The one we’re not supposed to punch. The one .. http://bit.ly/6iiZT #
Updates for the week of 2009-08-23
- RT @amandapalmer love takes many forms and is mysterious and fattening #
- Got 37 mpg with Mr. Anderson, mountain driving. #nerdflex #
- Adrift: On his face, desire to murder me wrestles with desire to control his son’s life. Brief stru.. http://bit.ly/16Zva3 #
- My daughter just sang ‘tra-la-la-la-la’… about walking in the rain. Unironically. #
- Adrift: The next hour goes sunburn-careful. Burns gives instructions. I act very agreeable. His people.. http://bit.ly/yrfU8 #
- Really? A “coalition of conservative Coloradans” is following me on Twitter? That’s a bit ominous. #
- Adrift: Burns shoots the loudest dissenter in the leg – an effective debate tactic, if a little inelegant.. http://bit.ly/BJubK #
- Tokyo Joe’s is making me very happy right now. #
- Adrift: I should NEVER think thoughts like “this is going to work out.” The Universe can tell.. http://bit.ly/18nTvC #
- Working on my laptop in the parking lot at work, because the a/c inside the building is so flipping cold it actually hurts. #
- Really want to kill something today. Hope I make it to a video game before someone gets hurt. #
- Adrift: Guy raises his weapon, Burns is turning too late, and I don’t have a gun. My last thought: .. http://tinyurl.com/l5uaop #
- Ponyo! #
- An episode of child cussing started a discussion of what to say when you’re upset. Upon consideration, Kaylee settled on ‘frakkin toaster’. #
- To clarify, that’s what to say when a computer (or computer game) upsets you. NO idea where she learned to swear at video games. Nope, none. #
Updates for the week of 2009-08-16
- Adrift: No. Kaetlyn sent me the wave. She had to know I’d find the Ante-D ship. Burns’ kid mi.. http://bit.ly/1a3MqX #
- Happy Birthday Robot – an excellent little storytelling haiku game. http://bit.ly/s4Dpe #
- Adrift: That’s the first thought in my head. Second thought is “Are you /really/ getting jeal.. http://bit.ly/4lgDyg #
- Adrift: I ignore that thought. The more important point here is that Burns wants something I can provide .. http://bit.ly/dzjqX #
- Ok Brain, you’re nervous about the new class we teach today-I get it. Please stop the “you die stupidly in front of jovial onlookers” dream. #
- Adrift: We stare at each other until it becomes uncomfortable. Takes much less time than I expect —.. http://bit.ly/XXdoh #
- “This has become less an argument about health care reform and more a statement about our failed education system.” http://bit.ly/aYcCU #
- “I’m going to come right out and say it; The Fox Network is the fucking devil.” http://bit.ly/OHYMr #
- Stupid test-run of stupid class is stupid postponed, due to a bunch of last minute cancels. So much for getting it off my mind by EOB today. #
- Random Average: “This ends in Mud.” http://bit.ly/L241X #
- Stormy, sunny skies – blue and gray finger paints smeared with gold glitter. I love my home. #
- RT @DaphneUn Deep thoughts I have while road-tripping: “America’s pretty.” “The Earth is neat.”– It’s like reading ‘Walden’ as I drive. :| #
- Another Thoreauism from @daphneun: referring to the Great Sand Dunes nat’l park as “a giant meringue of landscape!” #reservethaturl #
- Giant meringue of landscape http://flic.kr/p/6PALiB #
- Know what’s harder than climbing a mountain? Climbing a mountain of sand. #
- This tweet brought to you from tallest sand dune in North America. Tweet reads: “Think I have something in my eye. Plz hlp. Might be sand.” #
- Adrift: I tell him I’ll split them up, if he let’s me out of here. He scoffs. I risk another .. http://bit.ly/FBQuF #
- Dunewalking tip: Repeating “I am Legolas” under your breath will not keep your feet from sinking in. I’m looking at YOU @daphneun. #
- How to turn a vodka gimlet into a vodka Gimli: same drink, served in a big mug. I’ll give you that one for free, internet. You’re welcome. #
- Restaurant rec: Alley House Grill, Pagosa Springs, Co. I want to take it HOME with me. #
- Rt @YoungIskander I approve heartily of steampunk cosplay. Lots less pallid flesh on display. #gencon #
- Bottle of water at the ready. Netbook charged. Wifi disabled. Writing time. #
- Adrift: Me: Hellooooooo, delicious iced coffee. DIC: **BRAINFREEZE** Me: GAAAAaaaaah… *cries* *take.. http://bit.ly/5SgDk #
Updates for the week of 2009-08-09
- With the airing of the recent (unwatched, yet) mini-series, I finally decided to man-up and watch seasons 1 & 2 of Torchwood. Daddy like. #
- Adrift: Burns sees me watching him, shakes his head, and says one terrible word. ‘Eloped.’ http://bit.ly/pF6qr #
- I have been in the same meeting since 1:30 yesterday afternoon. I have nothing funny to add to that – my funny did not come to this meeting. #
- Adrift: Makes no sense; Kaetlyn’s utterly dismissive of romance, let alone marriage. Burns says he .. http://bit.ly/1vxtfX #
- I love that the sponsored links in GMail are always about Serenity and Firefly when I’m emailing about my daughter. #
- Dresden Files books joins Torchwood on the “stuff it’s silly and amazing I wasn’t enjoying years ago” list. Former members: Brust and B5. #
- RPG Musing: there’s viable comparison to draw between never-ending RPG campaigns and players who always revisit the same character concepts. #
- The Dora the Explorer/Dr. Who semi-slash fanfic being storyboarded by @daphneun and @Three_Star_Dave is breaking my brain. #
- I needed this: RT: @sethsimonds: Your refusal to call it quits is the only thing standing between you and eternal obscurity. Don’t give up. #
- What my life really needs are live-action parentheses. (Or, as @cyface suggested, multiple, simultaneous, IRL discussion queues.) #
- Kaylee’s been v. well-behaved this week – unfortunately due to temp and cruddy cough. I’d much rather have my ornery princess back, please. #
- Adrift: FORBID?! Might as well buy Kaetlyn a dress and honeymoon cruise with a note reading ‘Congra.. http://bit.ly/170PX1 #
- LOLorks: Uruk-oh-HAI. #