- Nod @UnclePilot: My wife’s off to Italy & NYC for 2 weeks. Good chance I’ll have devolved by then; using my laptop to crack open tasty nuts. #
- Still reeling after doing taxes last night. Oy. #
- Not to sound like an ad, but: GoToMyPC has pretty much saved me from massive frustration, two days running. #
- Publetariat interviewed me about @finnras, storytelling in games, and telling stories in new mediums. Part 1 is here: http://is.gd/nTUS . #
- Adrift: [[We interrupt this broadcast for a link: Publetariat interviewed us about @finnras. Cool! Part 1.. http://tinyurl.com/d3vn8c #
- Searching “macro” on Flickr can consume your entire afternoon. I’m sorry, or you’re welcome. #
- RT: @jkottke: The new Facebook is definitive proof that Twitter and Tumblr had sex 40 weeks ago. Then Zuck stole the baby from the hospital. #
- Daughter informs me: “You should pick your nose; it gets rid of all that /hair/.” Outta the will, kid. #
- Retweet @wilw Scenes from the Recession: http://is.gd/nTje Some of these photos are heartbreaking. #
- RT: @Agent_M: Webster’s dictionary updates definition of marriage to include same-sex marriage: http://tinyurl.com/djrsdm (via many) #
- Random Average: So what are you playing right now? http://tinyurl.com/d2a7vr #