[Heroes] This makes me happy

‘Heroes’ Expands Universe with ‘Origins’ quasi-spinoff

The network has hit upon a way to keep the show off of reruns for nearly the entire season, ordering more episodes of the show and embarking on a quasi-spinoff called “Heroes: Origins.” Combined, the shows will account for 30 original episodes next season.

Essentially, the Origins one-off episodes will focus on the background of newly introduced characters. Awesome.
A quick word about one thing I really like about the Heroes character concepts: with a few notable exceptions (Peter, Syler) the paranormals are all fairly limited in the scope of their abilities (“I do one thing, and I figure out cool ways to apply that one thing in multiple situations.”), and the writers aren’t afraid to create people whose one ability is very … non-comic-traditional-booky. “The guy who can can hear really well” is never going to suit up for the X-men. In a way not unlike InSpectres, the “Cool” thing about each character is the ways in which they are wholly human, not the ways in which they are not.
And yes, there are some people who totally could, as Peter says, “run around in a cape with my underwear outside my pants” in a ‘normal’ comic book. Clair. Nikki/Jessica. D.L. Their son Micah… Hmm. Sensing a theme?
Related Links:
* As the originator/creator/builder of Fireflywiki.org, I have feel a lot of respect (and surprise) for NBC creating and hosting a Heroes Wiki on their main site.
* I feel like geeking out. Here’s some Heroes Swag I can buy to accomplish that.
Can hardly wait for the season finale next week.