“Everything I need to know, I learned from Doyce’s NaNoWriMo”

Today, we learn how to deal with an assailant, with an example from the heroine of Hidden Things:

Calliope pointed at the lighted office window. Her heart hammered in her chest. “There’s an armed policeman sitting right in there,” she said. “You might want to call him for help.”

…and then the ass-kicking began. *curtsey*
As of right now I’m exactly on track for my word count but I’m sure to be behind come midnight tonight, since instead of being a good little boy and writing when I get home I’m going to the No Doubt/Garbage coliseum tour show.

2 Replies to ““Everything I need to know, I learned from Doyce’s NaNoWriMo””

  1. A) I loved that line and am patiently awaiting the ass-kicking that is sure to come.
    B) Ya gotta have your priorities. NaNoWriMo will still be waiting on you tomorrow, Gwen and Shirley won’t.

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