Flying the flagship for the AT XII match.
My youngest daughter’s first word?
Thanks, Sean.
May not be the best writing/work/life philosophy for everyone, but it's definitely a damn close match for me
May not be the best writing/work/life philosophy for everyone, but it's definitely a damn close match for me.
Tom Pollock: Writing Around A Day Job
And now, a guest post by a really amazing author: Tom Pollock. Tom wanted to talk about how he maintains both a writing career and a day job at the same time, and that felt like a very useful persp…
Huge sea star hanging out under the wharf in Coupeville, WA, spotted by +
“I continue to want to believe this is a joke”
"I continue to want to believe this is a joke."
In Which Amazon Calls You To Defend The Realm
Listen, I don’t know what the fuck is going on, because our toddler was awake until approximately blarp o’clock last night and I can barely see through the sleep still desperately clinging to my ey…
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle is basically a series of Doctor Who adventures, once you find/replace "ship" for "TARDIS"
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle is basically a series of Doctor Who adventures, once you find/replace "ship" for "TARDIS".
Why Great Ideas Always Come In the Shower (and How to Harness Them)
It’s happened to all of us–you’re in the shower and inspiration strikes. You struggle to remember when you get out. Sometimes you’re successful, other times, maybe not–but why is the shower such a prime place for inspiration? Let’s take a look, and see how you can harness that brilliance other times, too.