In Retrospect

The most amusing moment at the 2014 spring residency came (for me) on the very last day, at lunch – sitting with +Bruce Holland Rogers, +Alex Clark-McGlenn, +Roz Ray, and +Michelle Hansen, discussing looming bacterial antibiotic immunity, global warming, Russian bacteriophage therapy, toxoplasmosis, and ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungi… watching each participant randomly losing track of the conversation for a few moments whenever they got (yet another) idea for a story.

Dave sums up all the muscle-impulses behind my eye-rolling in the last few days, RE: google+ emailing features

Dave sums up all the muscle-impulses behind my eye-rolling in the last few days, RE: google+ emailing features.

The Unspeakable Privacy-Destroying Evil of THE GOOGLE! Or … not | ***Dave Does the Blog
Google rolled out this week (still rolling outward) a new feature that, when you’re in Gmail, if you start typing in a contact and someone you have in your Google+ circles fits the name pattern you are typing in, their

The continued vitriol thrown at G+ really surprises me

"Also ran social network?" It's been running for how long? Second only to facebook and isn't a neverending class reunion? SIGN ME UP.

Only days before this functionality was announced, I and my writer friends were bemoaning the fact that you can't email people you 'know' quite well through G+. Now you can. I'm happy.

By all means, of course, control the access others have to you, but Doctorow's lack of perspective is disappointing.

Less poisoned-well post from cnet:


The continued vitriol thrown at G+ really surprises me

"Also ran social network?" It's been running for how long? Second only to facebook and isn't a neverending class reunion? SIGN ME UP.

Only days before this functionality was announced, I and my writer friends were bemoaning the fact that you can't email people you 'know' quite well through G+. Now you can. I'm happy.

By all means, of course, control the access others have to you, but Doctorow's lack of perspective is disappointing.

Less poisoned-well post from cnet: