The most amusing moment at the 2014 spring residency came (for me) on the very last day, at lunch – sitting with +Bruce Holland Rogers, +Alex Clark-McGlenn, +Roz Ray, and +Michelle Hansen, discussing looming bacterial antibiotic immunity, global warming, Russian bacteriophage therapy, toxoplasmosis, and ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungi… watching each participant randomly losing track of the conversation for a few moments whenever they got (yet another) idea for a story.
"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
– Harry S Truman (1884 – 1972)
Dave sums up all the muscle-impulses behind my eye-rolling in the last few days, RE: google+ emailing features
Dave sums up all the muscle-impulses behind my eye-rolling in the last few days, RE: google+ emailing features.
The Unspeakable Privacy-Destroying Evil of THE GOOGLE! Or … not | ***Dave Does the Blog
Google rolled out this week (still rolling outward) a new feature that, when you’re in Gmail, if you start typing in a contact and someone you have in your Google+ circles fits the name pattern you are typing in, their
Oh Colorado
Oh Colorado…
Via StuffJournalistsLike twitter feed. Appears the sign is stolen so often that the Colorado Department of Transit settled on this.
Thanks, Ryan!
Half an hour of not being able to get facetime to connect, followed by 20 seconds to get everyone at home into a Hangout
Half an hour of not being able to get facetime to connect, followed by 20 seconds to get everyone at home into a Hangout.
Saving this for later
Saving this for later… to review. For science.
Make a Chocolate Cake in Five Minutes and Just One Bowl
You know what sucks about cake? Taking the time to make it, waiting for it to bake, and cleaning all the dishes afterwards. But you know what’s great? Cake. Cake is great. So what if you could make it and eliminate all those problems? You’d have this recipe.
The continued vitriol thrown at G+ really surprises me
Only days before this functionality was announced, I and my writer friends were bemoaning the fact that you can't email people you 'know' quite well through G+. Now you can. I'm happy.
By all means, of course, control the access others have to you, but Doctorow's lack of perspective is disappointing.
Less poisoned-well post from cnet:
The continued vitriol thrown at G+ really surprises me
"Also ran social network?" It's been running for how long? Second only to facebook and isn't a neverending class reunion? SIGN ME UP.
Only days before this functionality was announced, I and my writer friends were bemoaning the fact that you can't email people you 'know' quite well through G+. Now you can. I'm happy.
By all means, of course, control the access others have to you, but Doctorow's lack of perspective is disappointing.
Less poisoned-well post from cnet: