"Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual." – Terry Pratchett
The Quotations Page: Quote from Terry Pratchett
“Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.”
"Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual." – Terry Pratchett
The Quotations Page: Quote from Terry Pratchett
“Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.”
Dammit. Totally should have got these for +Kate Testerman for Mother's Day. Opportunity missed…
Dice Yoga Pants
Wear these Dice Yoga Pants for your next Yoga workout. They say, “I’d rather be gaming, but my body needs to level up.”
These Yoga pants have polyhedral dice down one leg and a stretchy, fold-over waist. They are c
One day, I'm going to vomit on my youngest daughter two or three times, and on THAT day, the world will know what true justice looks like.
2048 life lesson: your mistakes will haunt you, and your successes are quickly lost amongst other, similar accomplishments.
Hey Brain, A Little Help Here.
We started the forekast.com beta testing last week and it’s going great so far –lots of feedback and great ideas. If you missed it last time, be sure to check it out and leave your email if you’re interested!
Full Frontal Nerdity by Aaron Williams – 04/25/2014
interestingly, the company who were trying this, CCP, achieved a lot of what makes world of darkness excellent in their main title Eve online. however, the cancellation of this was sad. the company decided that, in light of their current projects they couldn’t give WoD the justice it deserves.
Hello, memories of grandpa.