Some people are more prepared for the brew festival than others.
Today I Learned: Bushrod Johnson isn't a pornstar's name
Today I Learned: Bushrod Johnson isn't a pornstar's name.
The 50 Greatest Civil War Names
In honor of the 4th of July, Brandon Claycomb does the deep research required in order to list the 50 Greatest Names of the Civil War, starting with Jubal Early. It only gets better from there.
Man, a LOT more spam is getting through my mail filters in the last few weeks
Man, a LOT more spam is getting through my mail filters in the last few weeks.
This may be my new favorite shirt
This may be my new favorite shirt.
Mens Library Due Date Card Graphic Tshirt Unique by ShopJustWish
Via the Yale center for Oh My God Wake Up You Asshole
Via the Yale center for Oh My God Wake Up You Asshole.
Scientists Consider New Names for Climate Change
Other terms under consideration by the scientists include “your cities will be ravaged by tsunamis and floods.”
Today I learned: Wi-Fi doesn't actually stand for anything
Today I learned: Wi-Fi doesn't actually stand for anything.
My daughter just built herself a glass coffin in Minecraft
My daughter just built herself a glass coffin in Minecraft. Then got in, closed it, and logged out.
Frontier has, in eight years, gone from ‘trusted wingman’ to ‘dude who sold my TV when I asked him to house sit’
Frontier has, in eight years, gone from 'trusted wingman' to 'dude who sold my TV when I asked him to house sit.'