CASSHERN: oriental movie trailer
DVDs for the Troops info
Negotiations underway to get Firefly DVDs directly on US Navy ships in combat zones rather at USO centers.
The best part about that update was the info that the Navy Contact info was given to the folks organizing the DVD distribution by the folks in charge of similar efforts for Farscape. Geeky knows Geeky, I guess.
Also, DVD donations deadlin extended to the 14th of February, since the negotiations are taking awhile.
Finally, just for the heck of it, here’s a kick-ass little firefly wallpaper I found. Enjoy.
Every vote counts
Dear Fox:
I have heard through the electronic grapevine that you are thinking about releasing a soundtrack for the show Firefly. I wanted to convey my complete support of this project: I would absolutely buy such a soundtrack in any form you choose for distribution, whether via paid downloads or CD — honestly, I’d probably buy it both ways, if both were available. The music on the show was phenomenal and I’d love to have clean copies of that tremendous creative work.
In summation, I sincerely hope that you decide to make a Firefly soundtrack available for purchase in some (any) medium.
Doyce Testerman
100th thoughts
I’ll let you in on a little secret.
A few years back, when the Fifth season of Buffy was running against the Second season of Angel, I liked Angel better. I think that was true for a couple years, in fact… I liked Angel better.
Sometimes a lot better.
I think the reason was Cordelia. She was really the heart of the group and the folks that have stepped up into the main cast after Carpenter left… have not filled her designer shoes, to put it mildly.
So last night, Angel’s 100th episode, was very bittersweet for me — Cordy took me back to a time when the group really popped: it wasn’t just Angel she got back on track, it was everyone — Gunn was spoiling for a fight, Wesley was making with the Mojo, Fred was making with the eyes for Wesley, and everything was simple; all the employees were gone, leaving Team Angel together again for the first time.
It was right.
I hope the character’s are allowed to realize that.
(And I hope Charisma Carpenter’s interview in TVGuide prompts someone to write a Wonder Woman movie for her. Kick ass.)
Kudos to David Fury, who’s never written or directed an episode on Angel (but did a number of great things on Buffy) and came in to do both in one great episode that really captured the essence of the show — you have to really know the whole show to be able to do that episode, and he pulled it off really well.
Top 100 Angels
top 100 moments on Angel.
Unfortunately, these appear to merely be listed chronologically, not in ‘best to worst’ order. Randy brought up ‘favorite scenes on Angel’ not two days ago, coincidently. Both the scene he mentioned (Darla stakes herself to have her kid) and the one I responded with (“Are you now or have you ever been?”) are on the list, naturally. :)
Thinking about it, though, I realized which scene I liked better than the Darla scene — When Wesley shoots his father to save Fred.
Darla’s thing was more unexpected and ‘new’, but it didn’t hit me as hard, probably because Darla had already died like… fifteen times by that point. :)
Good news & no news
“We have received word from a couple of sources that Universal is, at this point, on board with movie, and that the current stumbling block is elsewhere.”
Somebody please tape this for me
About (over) a year ago, a fellow browncoat tipped me off to Keen Eddie. I was able to catch about two (very funny) episodes before Fox realized they had another quality show on their hands and quickly cancelled it.
It’s about a NY Cop, the Eddie of the title, who works for Scotland Yard in London and has…. singular… experiences there.
Anyway, Bravo has bought it and is airing the pilot tonight @ 9pm Tuesday, and will continue through the full season. I think folks here would find it entertaining: certainly well above the usual network drek.
All according to plan
Allyson Hannigan seems to be heading towards an NBC comedy.
Disconcertingly similar to the May 9th entry for the Upcoming Year for Joss, Mutant Enemy and Friends.
Fresh from her London run, Alyson Hannigan films her pilot (“Aly!”) for NBC, a half-hour sitcom about a single girl trying to find love and happiness in New York City. Nicholas Brendon has a cameo as her ex-boyfriend. Joss and Amber Benson applaud from backstage. Charisma Carpenter is spotted in the audience, angrily scarfing down an entire bag of mallomars.