Lost cameo fun

Very weird and very cool with the Mira Furlan guest shot on Lost last night, and every indication she’ll back to provide more CRAZY in later episodes. Took me forever to figure out who she was, partly because I didn’t recognize her without the weird Delenn banana-clip-looking shell-thing attached to her head, and partly because I was having an inner-brain argument about whether or not it was a really skinnified Lena Olin, because the accents are kind of similar.

s o v e r y v e r y t i r e d

Finally read Red Harvest last night, which some think of as the far-more-complex inspiration to stories like Fistful of Dollars/Yojimbo.
Great story. Hell of a way with words. I love how Hammett can introduce an amazing character, use them for a couple chapters, then throw them away.
Just wish it hadn’t kept me up until 2:30.

Lost Recaps

Heard about Lost? Interested, but feel like you’re too far behind to make sense of any of it?
Want a good laugh?
Cleolinda, she of Movies in 15 Minutes fame (and book deal!) has written recaps of all the shows.
They are complete, they are great, and they have all kinds of good extra stuff in them. They’re so good that I even go and read them when I caught the episode (like calling up a friend after you’ve both seen the show so you can talk about it).
They are also, in a word, hilarious.

And she also does Veronica Mars recaps.
(Thanks to Julia for reminding me that I should link to these things.)

Earth to Mars

***Dave and Margie, unfortunately, decided to watch Veronica Mars for the first time last night.
Damn shame that that was the first impression they got of the show. I said in his comments that it was a pretty bleh episode and likened it to Teacher’s Pet from first-season Buffy, but after thinking about it, I realized that it wasn’t as much a lame throwaway episode as it is a “drop mega-hints for the uber-plot” episode… which is almost worse.

Continue reading “Earth to Mars”

‘Serenity’ book

The novelization of the movie will be out April 1 2005, three weeks before the movie is released.
I might end up picking it up just so I don’t have to guess at the spelling of names and whatnot while adding things to the wiki.