This post is really not about writing at all. This is about National Novel Writing Month and the Office of Letters and Light non-profit organization that make the thing happen.
Every time I go to, I notice that little donation graph over on the side of the front page, and the info underneath that tells me that a little more than 4% of the people signed up for NaNoWriMo have donated.
That would kind of blow my mind, because it’s such an awesome thing and does a lot of good for kids as well as all of the adults, but the really kind of crazy thing is that despite the piddling number of people who have donated, they’ve collected so much money.
Not quite enough to run the office all year ’round, not yet, but close. If they could double what they have right now, they could do some truly neat thing and worthwhile things (if you mouse over each book in the graph, it tells you what they can do if they hit that amount).
SO, here’s the one time I’ll rattle a tin cup for this little party we’re all dancing at.
I think it’s a good organization, I think they do good things, and I think I can afford to donate the amount of money I’ll spend taking my wife to the movies tonight — I get at least that much value out of it every year. At least.
Hell, this year’s efforts have made me a couple friends that aren’t even doing NaNoWriMo, let alone those that are — that’s worth it to me right there.
I dunno. Search the couch cushions, or your wallet, or just your paypal account and toss a couple bucks in the tin, if you think you learned something this year. Small price to pay.

That’s it. No more prodding.
Get back to work.
Have fun.
I can’t stop watching those hands