Adrift, Episode 5 (podcast) (#nanowrimo)

So, in the last section of the story (episode 4), the characters went off script.

The outline clearly reads:

  • Meet Bilabil.
  • Go to to Manifold Bazaar, surprisingly not shot at and not robbed.

That’s it. No problems along the way.

But did that happen? Noooo. There were problems, even though I’d said that there weren’t supposed to be any, and pretty soon, Bilabil is pointing across the way and telling us that the only alternative route worth a damn was the old battle cruiser… except it was really dangerous.

There was one small problem with that; I had no idea WHY.

So, following my own advice (which I wrote down and blogged as a NaNoWriMo tip the next day), I dropped that storyline for awhile and wrote something else entirely.

Specifically, I wrote out the entire story of the Princess traveling into the Forest of Anything in search of medicine for the Queen (and, in the process, meeting Mira and Mak and a magical bear-cat named Bin).

The whole story (which I have since chopped up and woven between the action on the Drift during episodes 5 and 6) took me about two days to get down.

Then I went back to Jon and Finn and Bilabil, perched on that ship’s hull, and I knew why the detour was dangerous, and they knew how they were going to deal with it.

I think it worked out pretty well.

Except for Finn, that is.

But you’ll find out about that later.

Comments, as always, welcome. If you’d like to subscribe via RSS feed, the address for the podcast-only feed is


2 Replies to “Adrift, Episode 5 (podcast) (#nanowrimo)”

  1. Yup. Aside from fixing a few typos as I read (because my brain apparently can’t correct them on the fly and say the right word — see my series of mistakes in the outtakes following Episode 4), it’s exactly what I’m writing this month (and probably next month… and maybe January).

    Thanks for the feedback! I haven’t heard too much noise about the podcasts so far, so it’s good to know someone’s enjoying it.

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